This quote from a year ago....
I got plenty of spankins as a kid and I turned out great
makes me so angry .
It is typically used by parental child abusers and only serves to perpetuate the cycle of child abuse, from generation to generation. "It didn't harm me.... see, I'm okay now'.
I agree with all comments on this thread about the peer pressure aspect at the Hall or the book study or at home, beating children to "impress" other JW parents. I've been out for a while now, so I'd be interested to know whether this culture still exists amongst Jehovah's Witnesses? I certainly grew up amongst a wicked coven of Wooden Spoon Mothers and an evil gang of Leather Belt Fathers.
I also detest the word "spanking", an attempt to make beating a child sound somehow mild and harmless. So where is the line between using a hand or implement to hurt and leave red imprints on a little girl's buttocks and using a fist to draw blood from her eye or crack her little skull? Seriously, where exactly is that line?