Hello everyone I'm writing this because I am taking a break from here for awhile. One reason is I do not feel welcomed. Everyone else just clicks with everyone else and I feel out of place. Maybe later I will come back, but until then, I will depart myself. No one was mean in anyway, just to set the record. This is such as small word I really don't feel comfortable with another user so close, being in the same library and not actually running into each other is too weird for my comfort. I read where they saw me. I have yet to see them. I'm sure they are a nice person. I'm just not ready to meet anyone yet. I hope you understand.
bye for now
by One true Jesus Freak 18 Replies latest jw friends
There are so many people floating by and new. Just read for awhile and you will feel
a need to say something now and again. Or come back later as you say. Whatever
makes you comfortable.Either way, get what you need. Enjoy life away from the keyboard.
22 post exit post, is this a record?
horrible life
One True Jesus Freak, I've been working alot lately, and haven't been on much. I went back and read most of your posts. You are just the type of person that this board was made for. People with questions.
Many, like me, know that the JW's are wrong, and keep up with what is going on. It's fun to socialize also, and be able to to vent, tell a story, know that when you are alone late at night, you have somebody to talk to.
You would be amazed to find out how many people are logged in, but just reading. One poster recently, was reading for about 3 years (if I remember right) and finally spoke!!!!
I may have a little OCD about looking at such things, but I think it is kinda fun to see a new name, and see how long they have been registered, and how many posts. Once in awhile, you will see somebody who just can't keep quiet any longer, and post just one post!!!! LOL Then they go back in hiding.
Even though I have been working alot, I have popped in for a few minutes, but to type something takes too much time, if I only have 15 minutes to look around. So, what I am trying to say, is please stick around, don't be worried about somebody knowing you are on the site. If they say something, tell them the same thing you told us. You are just visiting the site, to help relatives, and only want to take little bites, and digest what you have learned, and you are enjoying the companionship of internet posters, who are pretty cool!!!
it is certainly quite a coincidence that two JWDers spotted each other in the library like that. Or one spotted the other, I can see how it would make someone uncomfortable if that person isn't ready to be outed. I hope you don't leave entirely; just maybe back off and read for a while. It might make you feel better to look at my post history and see how many posts I make that are totally ignored - but I try not to take it personally or feel unwelcome. It's just the way things go.
OK, bye for now OTJF. I hardly knew ye, but then I been in a down phase. Maybe you'll be back during one of my periods of active participation, maybe I'll write my own 'bye post' but not call it that. In any case, sorry I missed you. RD
Hurry back.
One true Jesus Freak, I saw that post and was stupefied.
It would have been a better idea if the poster who I'Dd you at the library, had PM'd (personal messaged) you here instead.
Welcome, by the way!
I'm sorry you were outed like that, it was definitely NOT cool, and I hope you decide to at least keep reading and learning here awhile longer.
~Sue -
One reason is I do not feel welcomed
I'm so sorry you did not feel welcome, at first many of us may have felt that way at one time or another. We all have different personalitys we will not
click with everyone. Don't worry about who ever saw you at the library I'm sure they now know how you feel and will not approach you.
Just give yourself a bit of time but remember some of the good things you have learned here its just a taste of what is to come.
Heck, look at my post count...Never left, just never much to say. So just stick around.