How often did you have to talk yourself into going out?
In the last few years, I had to talk myself into it everytime, sometimes I talked myself
out of it easily. (Tired, late, important elder stuff to do, headache)
How often did you wait till the end of the month to get some time in?
Just a few times, but I did notice that I didn't have my 9-hour minimum sometimes.
How often did you fudge your time?
Only during two periods. The last six months of a year of pioneering, I did most of
the time, but I counted the time spent at the library researching the "real truth" of religion.
The other period was before I officially started fading, while still an elder but ready to resign-
I put down a few hours without actually doing them. That went on just a few months then I
switched to reporting ZERO hours. I haven't bothered since then.
After you finished your day in service (or hour) you felt emotionally exhausted?
Quite often. I can't remember feeling refreshed by field circus.