for nearly 10 years, friday morning meeting for field service was in my home ( as was the thurs night book study).... i hated fridays..... i rarely went out with the friday group.... likely the most boring and uninspiring lot since regis philbin and latest bimbette
i usually was able to go out with a group on wednesday.... i had two really fun people to go out with, a reg and an aux pioneer..... but it was still a struggle, talking myself into the " just get it over with" mindset....
i was usually more relieved than exhausted.... and for the life of me i dont understand why i never fudged a single hour!!! crikey, i never even fudged placements.... and there were months of zeroes for that column
we would do after meeting FS sundays with the kids, cos it was easier since they were already dressed and usually it was one hour and then a nice lunch..... maybe once in a great while we would do a saturday if it was some honking tract campaign ( we also had saturday FS mtg at our home..... except for the once a month entire congregation mtg at the hall )