to Isaac:— Philippians 3:13 teaches "Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead". Without a spiritual program I can be a part of, with goals, what options are meaningful? I think none.
To Spike: First of all I no longer believe your story. But I will address your comments anyway...
Options- how about seeking to deepen and make more intimate your relationship with God...doing so directly as opposed thru an org claiming to be the channel. That sounds like a worthy goal.
The verse you quoted speaks of forgetting the things behind, namely the law and trying to live up to a written code of commandments....those very thing Jesus fulfilled. You are not following this counsel..rather you are trying to live up to a written code of laws (man-made ones at that) in an attempt to earn your salvation. You yourself said you would never leave the org because you do not want to lose your everlasting life. This is a very me-first...selfish, materialistic motivation. I would think love for God, appreciation and a desire to fellowship with God for eternity would be a Chirstian's driving point.