I feel cheated because I wouldn’t know what it’s like to experience pregnancy and the birth of my children the way it was meant to be.
A completely natural and joyous event in human life was sabotaged by this religion!
I’m sure there are others who know what I mean.
I would be interested to hear stories of others who have had children both inside and out of this organization.
I would like to explain what I mean.
I was raised as a witness and was always expected to be an example. From as far back as I can remember we were taught that Armageddon was just around the corner. This was not the time to be having children. Instead we were to put the kingdom first.
My husband and I discussed it and agreed that we would not have children till the new system. That’s what Jah, the organization and our parents wanted and so we decided this was best.
Those who planned to get pregnant were viewed as immature spiritually. I would hear them say, “Why in the world would someone bring a child into this would knowing that we are living in the last days!?”
I remember one time when I had been married for a year or so confiding in my mother in law that I wanted a baby. She acted like I had a disease that would pass in time if I would just go on with my life serving Jehovah and ignore this desire.
Well she was right, but only because I thought this is what God wanted of me.
After pushing this natural desire away I accidentally became pregnant after about 4 ½ years. My husband and I were in shock and I didn’t have the desire for children at that time because I had successfully extricated that desire.
We were scared and in shock but decided to accept this since we had no choice.
We decided we wanted to be happy about it and wanted to share our happy news with our family. We went to a second hand store and bought a cute pair of tiny shoes and gift-wrapped them.
We went to my husband’s parents home and told his them we had a surprise for them. My husband gave the present to his mother and she unwrapped it and when she saw the shoes she started whaling “OH NO PLEASE DON”T LET THIS BE TRUE”!!!!! And proceeded to cry.
So much for a happy family event!!
She acted like we were announcing a death instead of the birth of her first grandchild.Disgusting!
I have much more to share about having children in this org but I will leave you with this for now.