If you knew how the meat you eat was slaughtered, would you still eat it?

by restrangled 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Or would you like to know that the meat you are buying is from animals treated humanely.

    I would. I believe we need to eat flesh to live, and that there is nothing morally objectionable with meat eating, but we should treat the animals we eat with dignity and respect.


  • BurnTheShips
    If you must keep eating meat (and there's really no need to do so), free-range and organic animals are likely to have been treated more humanely during their lives (althugh not necessarily as well as you might imagine or hope). The "kosher" label is certainly no guarantee of animal welfare - quite the opposite, in fact, as the animal must be conscious when its throat is cut.

    I buy free range and organic almost exclusively. But I will never be vegan or vegetarian.


  • hillbilly

    I always pop a critter with a .22 right behind the ear or base of skull. Commercial slaugther houses us a captive bolt gun to do the same thing.

    Knocks the beast out but leaves the heart working. After they go down...hoist, then cut the throat and let it bleed clean.

    that video around with the old cow and the forklift... All beef, horses, or whatever has to be healthy and and under it's own steam to be inspected as good to kill animal... those guys were just plain wrong to do that.

    Adrenaline taints meat flavor too. That is the downside to big plants... the first one doesnt know whats coming ... all in line smell blood then get excited.

    I try to kill one or two a day.. calmly. Game animals that get wounded and run have the same problem... good shot -clean kill keeps that adrenaline down and you get better quality meat.

    Eating meat aint for sissys. I grow a garden and the cries of the veggies haunt me at night. We used to pull all sorts of bunnies and small critters out of a variety of harvesting machines on the farm too.

    Moral.... if what happend to get your food to Aisle 12 bugs you...dont ask how it got there.


  • BurnTheShips
    Adrenaline taints meat flavor too. That is the downside to big plants... the first one doesnt know whats coming ... all in line smell blood then get excited.

    I killed a wild boar last year after the dogs ran if for an hour. It was a clean kill, right between the eyes.

    But the meat tasted nasty. Adrenaline.

    I won't use dogs again. It needs to be a surprise shot from cover.

    I've always wanted to take a trophy with a spear though. Face to face.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Well, I don't know, depends on how bad it was.

    My extended, and some immediate, family all come from farms; and I think their ways are/were more inhumane than most of the slaughter-houses, so I'd have to say generally, yes.

    On the other hand, I have a friend who is a vegetarian and she thinks that animals that are kept and slaughtered inhumanely are totally frightened all the time, so they build up toxins from stress in their meat/organs that may affect humans adversely. Could be right.. who knows.

    On the other hand <how many hands do I have left?> there's a group of police officers here that go out and shoot wild hogs that run around the county eating people's gardens, bushes, lawns, crops, that are breeding like rats. They use the meat to feed a bunch of people at the food pantry.


  • momzcrazy
    Except your dogs, whom you treat as babies even though there are children starving in the world. (But that's out of context, right?) Where you really don't want the comparisons being drawn is between children and animals you personally know and care about, and children and animals you don't.

    I'm sorry, how does the way I treat MY animals and kids affect starving kids and slaughtered animals? How are starving children fed by not slaughtering animals? Why am I being attacked because I do eat animals and feed my kids animals? Is it because I don't object to them being slaughtered for meat? I can't change how animals are treated. I can only have an effect what I buy and how I treat animals here.

    Leave off funkyderek. And I thought I was the crazy one.


  • BurnTheShips
    Leave off funkyderek. And I thought I was the crazy one.

    PETAism can become a weird religion sometimes.

    “When men stop believing in God they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything."

    One wonders if he tears off a tick or a flea.


  • momzcrazy
    I always pop a critter with a .22 right behind the ear or base of skull. Commercial slaugther houses us a captive bolt gun to do the same thing.

    I agree with you hillbilly. We eat hunted meat, almost everyday.

    But God, I'm the one funkyderek is picking on?

  • hillbilly

    But God, I'm the one funkyderek is picking on?

    Momz... the funksters at that stage of life where debate for the sake of debate is fun for him. He is a pretty bright kid most of the time.

    Show him that cleavage avatar again........that may throw him off track....


  • BurnTheShips
    Momz... the funksters at that stage of life where debate for the sake of debate is fun for him. He is a pretty bright kid most of the time.

    Gotta agree, but he needs to be bugged a bit. ;-)

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