Only J.w's will survive the big A

by toddy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • toddy

    My question is,if it is true that only j.w's will survive then surely everybody on the planet should at least get the option of becoming a witness,but there are people living in remote parts of the world who rarely come into contact with civilisation,im pretty sure there are still small tribes of people living in some rainforest who haven't even been discovered yet,where do theses people fit in,do they just perish like the rest of us?

    Sorry if this is a daft question,been on the Guinness all night!

  • Missie Eff
    Missie Eff

    Oh yes, that's the jist of it. So that's why we've all got to get out on the ministry!

    I am sure that one of our better read friends will find a quote somewhere but I seem to remember reading about this a while ago.

    Ignorance is no excuse.

  • openminded

    yep-God is indiscriminating when it comes to slaughtering people. Those indiginous people living in the trees of Brazil should should know that God wants them wearing neckties and swinging from hut to hut for him.

  • msil


    This is one of the BIGGEST issues with their beliefs.

    If others than JW are able to survive...then why become a JW? Why not find the religion with the most convenient lifestyle?

    Now knowing this...Read 2 Peter 3:9. Think about the number of dubs in the world, think about the rate if increase in the dub ranks (close to zero approaching negative), think about the expanding population on the whole earth... for every million dubs....there are 1 billion worldings... 6 million vs 6 billion... 1 in a 1000

    OK...take all that into account...and if you can see how 2 Peter 3:9 can possible be fulfilled...please tell me right away!!

    How many billions of children have to be born this side of Armageddon before the dubs have 10 million members (4 billion minimum)? How many of those billions of children will die at Armageddon, according to dub teaching - that only JWs will be saved? See the flaw? 2 Peter 3:9 gonna be fulfilled??

    MSIL - a devout agnostic

  • VeniceIT

    'Only J.w's will survive the big A '

    ahh this reminds me of a comment I heard

    "IF it's gonna only be JW's in the New Order then I don't wanna be there'"
    hahahhahha I have to say this expresses my sentiments EXACTLY!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • mustang

    Alright!!! the old "Ignorance is no excuse" saw that I've heard from the platform before.

    Good; go ahead & let them use it. That one nails them on the UN Library Card gambit.

    "Oh, we're ignorant, they changed the rules on us, we didn't know." Whine, whine!!!

    You can't have it both ways, snicker, snicker!!!


  • Missie Eff
    Missie Eff

    Mustang you clever old moo....

    But they have their own rules...

    Ignorance is bliss as far as the masses are concerned anyway.

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    It is written: Broad and spacious the way to destruction. The road to life? Few find it. One in a thousand sounds about right.
    It is also written:Satan shallest appear as an angel of light decieving if possible, the very elect. Obviously the VAST majority are mislead by his radiant display. Again, good confirmation that 1 in 1000 is probably right.
    2nd peter 3 v9? The lord is NOT slack!
    It is written: We must enter thru the eye of a needle.
    (Devils advocate)

  • Hairy Harr
    Hairy Harr

    Hello Toddy...
    As a lurker for a couple of months and now braving the Posting World, I'd like to respond to that. Nobody here knows my background except for maybe Randy but he doesn't know it's me. That didn't make sense did it. Oh well...I was affiliated for over thirty years and was recently screwed royally by the Elders and then the Brooklyn Boys that I appealed to, and that's all I can say for now. Your question was one I had brounght up over the years and was always told that the "work" did not have to reach everyone. Why? Because Jehovah knows everyones heart, so when Big A gets here and the "work" isn't done, so what, the good-hearted ones will still make it thru and get indoctrinated during the 1000 years. So the big question is, why do this infinetly fun preaching work if HE already knows the heart condition? I was always told it was to show our faith. No it does not make sense...just as it does not make sense that some Moron can die one day before Big A and he'll get ressurected to a possible 2nd chance, while someone else who may be an overall better person will get snuffed at the big Climax. Come on...Hitler gets another chance but the person who devotes his time to a childrens cancer clinic will die because he just didn't get the overall JDub picture! If you live in FantasyLand, You WILL believe in TinkerBell!

  • Escargot

    Paul stated that each one of us will stand before our master, each one, for our deeds. As an individual, not as a group or membership into something.

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