At one time the Society taught that the generation of 1914 would see the end of this world. Since the Society always used the Bible to explain itself I did the same. I thought, well the Bible says our years are 70 or 80, if we have special mightiness. That gave me 1994 as the very latest for the end to come (1914 plus 80= 1994). I never heard anyone else say this. But interestingly enough the Society changed the definition of "generation" right after '94 passed (in '95 or '96, can't remember which). Which leads me to think that there MUST have been others thinking the same way I did. So tell me- was I alone in applying the "our years are 70 or 80" scripture to the generation of 1914 and coming up with 1994? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this!
Was I alone in my thinking about the year 1994?
by JimmyPage 17 Replies latest jw friends
No, you are not alone in this respect. Just read the story of my life and my marriage and you will see that I too thought Armageddon was coming around 1994.
Junction-Guy, where's your story?
Also, I arrived at my conclusion, not from my own thinking alone, but several WT publications talked about the 70-80 years generation thing. I thought, that at the most I would have 5 years after graduation (1989) before Armageddon hit. I never pursued any decent career or college, I mean why bother?
I quit the meetings in late 1993/early 1994. If I had only waited one more year I would have known the full truth about the so called "Truth".
It wasn't until December 1997, when I went online, that I discovered that they had dropped that generation interpretation back in 1995. 3 full years from 1994-1997, I was wondering what was going on, and why Armageddon had stalled. -
JimmyPage, that is what was always discussed at our meetings and "biblical" math discussions. "Millions Now Living Will Never Die", etc. etc. Well, if people were born in 1914, the oldest they could have been according to the biblical math is 80, then 1994 was the latest "this system of things" could have existed. If you really get into things, the even older understood definition of "this generation" were people who were alive and could understand the events of 1914 as they happened, then that generation would have reached 80 years old some time in the 1970s. When the society changed the rules on us in 1995, that's when my bullshit meter pegged and I totally tuned out on everything the society had to say. They make predictions, teach them as God's truth, disfellowship people if they fail to accept it, then when the crap doesn't happen, they change the rules and everybody is supposed to overlook the fact that what they were told to believe is no longer true. THE GENERATION OF 1914 IS DEAD! THE WBTS IS FULL OF SHIT! The end.
While I place no significance on 1994 I felt like you that either the end had to come soon or that the society was wrong. I remember having a discussion with a like minded person a year or so prior to the new light on the generation. We essentially concluded that the society was going to change. It never occured to me that the change was going to be so lame and unconvincing.
This period of time was the beginning of the end for me.
Sacolton, I have posted my story on here quite a bit, I can't think of any one particular post that addresses this, somewhere in my posting history it is buried. Perhaps if I get a chance I could bring it back up.
Jimmy Page---Also there were several Watchtower publications that actually stated that Armageddon would happen in the 20th century, the sad thing is that the lying governing body has edited the CD version to make it appear that they never said it to begin with. If you have the actual magazines you could see how they have lied.
Here is one example----Shortly within our 20th century, the great battle in the day of Jehovah will begin.
This was changed to---Shortly within "our day" the great battle in the day of Jehovah will begin.
Pretty sneaky huh? -
I used similar logic. When I went into the cancer, I thought maybe I would have 4 or 5 years before the end. Maybe if it really stalled, at the most around 10 years. That would have put the 1914 people in their mid 80s at best. And here we are, 10 years after that and still no sign of the end.
What a fxxxing waste of time!
No Jimmy you are not alone that was thinking that way.
I was having the same thoughts, many other brothers in my age around late 30's, and most of us left the Borg
My dad had the same thoughts, he died 10 years after the generation definition