I really believe in my heart of hearts that the whole no birthday/no Christmas thing was set up to isolate the jw's from society and family, and to take every last cent from them.
Jehovah's Witnesses can celebrate Christmas now!
by sacolton 26 Replies latest jw friends
I really believe in my heart of hearts that the whole no birthday/no Christmas thing was set up to isolate the jw's from society and family, and to take every last cent from them.
That makes a lot of sense. How hard would it be to convert the family members if you're hanging out with them during birthdays and Christmas? What would the difference be? They needed a hook...a gimmick...because otherwise there'd be nothing strange about the JWs if they celebrated all the birthdays and holidays. The less they spend on unneeded gifts, the more they can donate!
The religion would end, before that would happen.
There is no way the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is going to allow Christmas. First, it would make children better able to fit in at school parties. It would also make it easier for people in the workplace to not have to worry about all those Christmas songs and parties, which would in turn make it easier for them to mix in. And that would take away from field circus, plus open a few new opportunities for something the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has always had a special hatred for: people's normal sex drives being satisfied.
And it would take away from time for field circus. It takes time to set up the Christmas decorations and do Christmas shopping--time that cannot be used for field circus. The day itself is too valuable to find householders at home (and disrupt their celebrations), and they do not want the witlesses to have a day off from field circus. Plus, the money that would be used on Christmas gifts and decorations is supposed to go into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.
I really enjoyed your post.
If they let people celebrate birthdays and Christmas, more people would join.... but I don't think they'd ever consider doing that. I think just because there were 2 deaths associated with birthdays is NOT a good reason to disallow birthdays. Who said you worship/elevate yourself or your child on that day. Sure some go overboard but has anybody ever been to a 500 guest wedding at a country club? Hello??
Great thread Sacolton! I really enjoyed the info about rings. Reminded me of the new light about cats on the authorized CO's page. Blondie's information about pinatas shows just how hypocritical the Society's pick-and-choose-what's-pagan policies are.