Help! need to explain to jw friend why Memorial is "flawed"

by Smoky 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smoky

    I told my friend "flawed" by i really mean a "fraud"

    I had lunch with one of my old JW friends a few days ago, and then he asked me, where i went for "memorial".


    I did not want to lie, so i told me i DID NOT GO. He was shocked, and could not understand why. I tried to point out to him that we have been taught that only the "annointed" eat and drink.

    I went on to tell him: I am not annointed, so this "celebration" is like going to a party, but not allowed to dance, eat, drink, or participate in any party activity, just sit there and watch. It serves no real purpose,
    I can sit home and read the gospel and remember/appreciate Jesus Sacrifice.
    There is no difference, unless im ANNOINTED.

    Vvvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmm, right over his head. I could not get through to him...

    Can anyone help me explain, why Memorial is a fraud, in the simplest terms?

    (he is not the sharpes tool in the shed)


  • Honesty

    Does your friend believe the Bible over the Faithful Slave?

    If so, then use the Bible.

    If not, then you have to go about things a little differently. Show your friend the flip flops like the men of Sodom being resurrected or not, the ever-changing blood policy, all the NOO LIGHT that had to be flashed up to replace the OLD LIGHT that was wrong the day it rolled of the presses in Brooklyn.

  • Gopher

    Is there any Bible precedent for setting up emblems and NOT partaking? You could ask: Where did this idea originate, if not in the Bible?

  • garybuss
    You wrote:
    Can anyone help me explain, why Memorial is a fraud, in the simplest terms?
    (he is not the sharpes tool in the shed)

    You did a good job. Get smarter friends.

  • oompa

    There was purpose in passing food, just like at a table get the food and eat it. Did anyone at Jesus table pass food and not eat? Were there any "watchers" there (and there is no reason there could not have been)?..........................oompa

  • potleg

    It aways cracks me up when they refer to it as a *celebration* Wow this is the BIG JW event of the year. Let's celebrate.

    Drone, drone, pass a plate Drone, pass a glass OOH AHH Go Home.

    And why do they have to pass the plate and glass? Seems like everyone has to touch it for some reason, is it magic? Why not ask if there are partakers, come on down and tuck in. The whole thing has become a ritual, just an empty tradition. If you dont claim to be one of the 144000 whats the point? Give me a plate of fish and chips and a glass of beer (burp) anyday.

  • WTWizard

    I think the original memorials were held in private homes, in small groups. Nowhere does it mention that anyone but Jesus and the 12 apostles were there at the original observance--not even the 70 disciples, whom had the heavenly calling (according to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger). They had no way of knowing about it--only the apostles were there.

    If one is still going to observe it, it is better done in smaller groups. They should not have people that are merely interested observing it. (Remember, Jesus only had his 12 closest disciples?). Private groups, about the size of Jesus' party of 12, would better be able to discuss the importance of the event anyways, and there would be no one there that would just pass the emblems without partaking.

    I think the only reason to make such a big deal out of it has to do with hounding and advertising. People who are usually not at boasting sessions will be at this one. That gives Brother Hounder the chance to catch up with them and guilt them into going to all of them, and the low- or no hour publishers into going out in field circus all the time. No one is actually upbuilt with all this crap.

  • nomoreguilt

    1 Corinthians 11;26 reads......".For as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives."

    Now, using jw reasoning, jesus arrived in 1914, correct? Therefore, there is NO further need to observe this occasion.


  • lisavegas420
    You did a good job. Get smarter friends.

    best answer ever.


  • real one
    real one

    oompa and no morguilt nailed it

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