hello, i am new here...

by HelloKitty69 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • HelloKitty69

    To the people who read this:

    Hello. I am new here. My friend told me to come to this forum and go into the chat room. Her name here is Airwlk149. When I went into the chat room and mentioned her, some of you knew who she was. I didn't want to come here, because mainly I am afraid of the internet. I don't want people to know my name or where I am from. She promised me that nobody could find out where I was from or my name. See, I am still around Jehovah's Witnesses. But I am ready to see this point of view (what most Jehovah Witnesses call "apostate").
    Well, I guess I will see you all in the chat becuase that's where all the action is, or so I hear...

    Have a goodnight!

  • airwlk149

    hey girlie!
    glad you came!
    hope to see ya in the chat!
    suprised you posted, but in a good way!
    love you!!!!!! hope you like it here! we are like one big family!

    love & more love,

  • Naeblis

    Pull my finger. Do it.

  • WildHorses

    Welcome Kitty,

    Nice to have you here. Any friend of Katies is a friend of mine.

    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."



  • bboyneko


  • bboyneko

    real item, hello kitty vibrator....cute AND sexy! Collect them all....

  • JanH

    Hi Kitty,

    Welcome to j-w.com Yes, I think your identity is reasonably secure provided you or others who know you here do not divulge too much information. While it is generally true that "computer security" is an oxymoron, you don't take any real risks by being here under a nickname.

    Yes, the chatroom is where the real action is here. A great place to make and meet friends.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • celebrate

    Welcome Kitty: I am also fairly new here. I have found this to be a very dynamic web site, with a wide view of opinions and some very good dialogue. There is no reason to "fear" the internet and here you will find creative, challenging discussion that will help you as you make decisions about your life.


    celebrate life!

  • outnfree

    Welcome to the Board, HK!

    (HK is what I'm gonna call you in chat. )

    As others have said, this is a [mostly] warm communit. You will find it has lots of timeless and timely information touching on issues of importance to people who have "been around Jehovah's Witnesses."

    A wide diversity of personalities and nationalities (English-speakers) grace this board with their presence and make the discussion less parochial which is a very GOOD thing.

    I hope you enjoy your visits here. I sure do!


    In dealing with fear, the way out is in -- Sheldon Kopp

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