The main thing I gave up was college. I've always loved science: Astronomy and Physics especially. I should have ended up being a scientist. But I'm working on that now in college. My goal is to teach science. And I am working on having a business of my own based on science. My high school teachers told me I to go to college.They said they "expected big things" from me. I wish I had listened to them. Oh well, its never too late.
I also gave up a very good paying job installing alarms because at the interview I learned I would have had to carry a pistol. They wanted to hire me on the spot after just a ten minute interview. I really wanted that job and almost accepted it. When the interviewer asked me why I was turning it down and I explained that being a JW, I could'nt carry a gun, he could not understand it.He could not believe I was turning down such a good position for that reason. He even told me to call him if I changed my mind, the job would be mine. That was in 1979.
There were other employment opportunities I didn't even pursue over the years because they would have conflicted with "meeting times". HAH!
Did not have children. (The infamous 1988 "Responsible Childbearing In This Time Of The End" talk) Although I am glad I did not have children with the jw wife I had. Glad we are ex's.