Hi R Crusoe, go back where? One word for jws, cliches.
Hey, cognac
So, how in the hell can they say that Christendom's worship is not motivated by genuine love??? Who the hell are they to judge that??? Are they not trying to take the place of God in judging them??? They are really friggin sick...
Actually, Russell had a more enlightened approach to people in other religions. While he debated some clergymen, he felt that truth of the Bible could be found in Christian religions and that they had protected truth from disappearing. In the beginning, Bible Students did not have to be rebaptized (at least that is what I have been told). I was told by jws that everyone else is worshipping the devil whether they know it or not.
WTWizard, good point about Jesus associating with the so-called riffraff of the world. The religious leaders thought they were without sin. Many jws act that way when they think they can "earn" life.
h4o, thanks for your "experiences." It shows that it is not just my personal experience or just this area.
Snakes, thanks for your "experiences" too. Wow, I didn't realize what a hard time the local congregation would give someone sent. But then I remembered another brother who said that he had been sent to a feuding congregation and no one from either side would come to the meetings when he and his wife arrived. Just 2 of them at the KH for 4 months until the WTS threatened to remove all the elders and MS. What were you thinking, Snakes. I'm glad you didn't give up your job and I'm glad you didn't end up dying. Wow.
Hey Uncle Gary, you are right. I think the rank and file are not being obedient and using the "food" provided by the "slave." They are trying to sell it to their members.
odie, I thought of that after I posted the comments, that all the experiences are other than the US; probably because the US "flock" are not being very obedient. I have been told that it is so hard to find "experiences" for the circuit and district convention, that they use the same one for several circuits or districts near each other. I realized that when I had to attend the A/B sides of the same circuit.
Rules, thanks for the loaded language. The WTS carefully chooses its words to "influence" or make its members feel guilty about not DOING MORE. Except for a brief mention of one jw talking to the homeless, I have never seen those people "targeted" by jws.
Hey, moom, I wonder who the apostles are today? And the WTS goes back and forth on their status as "prophets" trying to say that prophesying is only reading prophecies from the Bible, as if they don't try to interpret the meaning.
span, that was the PC answer. Actually, I knew of several single sisters who went to Gilead, one because she was engaged to a previous graduate and others because their father had influence in Bethel. The purpose now of Gilead graduates is not to "preach" but to train the local jw men how to run the branch, be COs or DOs, or elders, and how to follow the procedures and paperwork that headquarters requires.
key, are you feeling better? An example I gave was of the Ethiopian eunuch who had very limited contact with Philip, went back home where there were no other Christians. How did he get his answers then, unless Philip answered them all that day.
Bluesbrother, so true, so many small local congregations are dominated by one or 2 families. Where I live there are 14 congregations and the family dominance is less but still there. A man is more likely to be appointed if he has family in the congregation than if he moved in from far away or is the only jw in his family. Snakes experience really shows that love is lacking in so many jw congregations.
Love, Blondie