I've been reading the book for awhile now, taking my time. Only on Chapter 4 right now. I want to mark this thread so I can come back to it later.
The Father in Me.
by R.Crusoe 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am having a big problem somewhere with Eckhart philosophy for the average person:
Every human is trained/conditioned whateva to fill roles of various functions!
So in suggesting these to be surface realities and so headed for conflicts with varying opinions i.e. creating ego, and then it being necessary to see this and become AWARE so as to be able to be out of role and at one with who you are, Tolle infers it is possible to become ROLE-LESS in gaining the power of NOW!
My problem is that I feel ROLE-LESSNESS is to encourage becoming less than human = for some it will mean they feel shunned or ignored or experience lovelessness in the claim that the power of NOW is being attained - I think some will not attune to whatever Tolle is alluding to due to the fact that many are not in Tolles world of higher thinking colleagues and associations . For the human to become what it is not i.e. mother to withdraw from being what she is and children to withdraw from what place they hold in family = in effect reducing the need for family role models!
To me it feels as though there is a danger of relinquishing established naturally occuring role models due the fact that this subject matter tries to explain, in dysfunctional families, the flaws of holding ego (roles one has lost).
Tolle seems to be saying do not identify with being who you are!
Pseudo identity is to be human! Non pseudo identity seems to me to be the height of superiority ( I need no roles since I am who I am) or to want to die ( The world has no need for me or I for it)
I see what Tolle calls false sense of self to be pre-conditioned in the human speceis in order to assume that being alive is sane! Therefore to be alive I would argue is ego = i.e. my aliveness is my role! But if I am alive what is my role if not a pseudo reality? Otherwise I may as well be comatose or dead!
I am unsure how to explain apart the above enmeshment!
Ego or TrueSelf??
If a person is shunned for years - what is hurt? Ego or self?
If a person is wrongfully punished - what is damaged? Ego or self?
Is the real person harmed or their ego?
I understand Tolle would say only your ego can be harmed? At least this seems to be my take on his reasoning? So it is almost like the Jesus sacrifice mularkey - take pain and let it be to prove you are in the now and not the past - which hurt you - or how it will affect your future which is ego because it is not the now!
All human interactions I come across are to do with past and future so what is Tolle expecting of humanity?
I see the benefits in helping dillute the pain - but where is the status quo for the plethora of mixed personas carrying burdens of damage and guilt? I sense a mass of grey zones guaranteed to create more conflicts.
How is a person to take pain repeatedly and injustice and still function positively in order to be able to say -
'Oh, I am ok I am me!'
This seems to be Tolle.
Fortunately perhaps, the core of mysticism, which is always expressed in some figure of death (e.g. the Christian cross, dead to self, dead to the world, "Christ" / the Spirit lives in me, and even more clearly in other traditions, e.g. Buddhism), is never taken seriously (let alone understood) by an entire society... it is bound to be an exception (in the sense of "election" or "pathology" -- or both). Ironically: a role, too, on the broader stage.
Popular Tolle cannot help becoming what popular Buddhism or popular Christianity have long become in the Western world: a fashionable middle-class hobby. Which doesn't mean there is not a genuine, and sometimes devastating "experience" for some, at its core.
Popular, middle-class, socially integrated, law-abiding and family-friendly Christianity is also built, among other things, on the experience of a few people who did break away from established social and moral roles -- to play another, "prophetic" role; a role still.
This is my problem!
What is there about humanity that is not to be popular or else to be ostracised or idolised?
Where is the essence of humanity residing if not in the delusions and illusory realities we ever evolve in pursuit of the elusivity of the moment we all collectively live separated from each other?
A sorta carousel trying to chase each other but never ever possible to do what we are all anticipating.
Maybe the only reality is to take it for yourself? To go and get whatever you wish how you wish and with no empathy or remorse?
I see the only humans who reach the unreachable to be ones who break all rules and flout all laws and relish in the reality they harness for their NOW.
The rest of us are sacrificing what we do not have for what we will never get!
Why feed our pain, when we can feed our hope ?
Do we wish to have a problem or solve the problem?
Identify your hope and seek it !
You misunderstand Caliber - maybe lengthy listening to Tolles youtube posts will offer insight - search pain bodies - it will help you see how the WT give followers a compound poison body!
Remember this:
WT self sacrificing love = YOU the sacrifice!
In this respect I thinks the egoless self = god in each of us = value yourself!
So I must agree = The WT are self appointed idols filled with idolatry of men under fear of shunning!
Lose the fear = lose the WTego = lose the WT = sounds perfect!
When the role of the 'YOU' held out in the 'NOW' is available too long without reply and weakens your resolve - eventually there is so little left of what you offered that even oif it were to be requested you would not have it to give!
Yup - that's it!
And when you find some used it to effect such an outcome is when you see true colours of humanity - cold, calculating and taking pleasure from it!
I think some love overfeeding their PAIN BODIES of the destruction of others - till they become OBESE of it!
Yup = some pain bodies are OBESE of the destruction of others!