Hi, I have been visiting this site and others for a while (to be honest those items about how dangerous the internet is made me wonder what they were hiding). Anyway, I have been amazed at how most of the issues I have are experienced by many others too. I have been impressed with the quality of the posts too. Over the next few posts I'll post some of my issues for discussion. But for starters here's my main ones: 1) How do the Governing Body receive new light? The method is never elaborated on and it is certainly not a vision, or documents appearing at Brooklyn or angelic messengers. Do they do wet/dry fur tests like the guy did in the Bible? 2) If elders are appointed by holy spirit, sure you may be told that no one is perfect, but what about the guy who was a practicing pedophile and appointed as a MS and then an elder in London Bethel that was in the news recently? Did the holy spirit miss this? Did it overlook this sin and saw the good in him? 3) Ministry. If the message is urgent, why are we using inefficient means to broadcast the news? Why do we call round at the worst possible times to catch people in. 4) Measuring spirituality in hours. Every other metric in the report is on head counts, meeting attendence, no. baptized, no publishers, no. pioneers, etc. Brother Elder does 2 hours a week each Saturday morning and talks to 2 people, Brother Scum does 1 hour every 2 weeks in the evening and speaks to 5 people each night. On the records Brother Elder looks good, but Brother Scum is doing better quality ministry. 5) If Jesus is to rule for 1000 years and this started in 1914 then he is nearly 10% through his rulership and not exactly done anything yet. 6) National Anthems. Brothers in the US are allowed to stand but not sing and put their hand in their heart. Brothers in the UK are not allowed to stand. I know a brother who got beat up at a football match for refusing to stand for the anthem-it is not worship it is respect. If a public member enters the hall we expect him to stand out of respect. 7) Silly rules that are not worth a forum topic: Clothing-brothers have to wear jackets & ties all the time, even if their is no air-con and the temperature is high. Then sisters get it bad in winter having to wear dresses and banned from trousers. 8) Customs & celebrations. Most things are rooted in Babylonish customs and are acceptable, wedding rings, time measurements, angles & baptisms. Others are not. The argument that the early christians didn't do them doesn't wash either, there's no evidence that the used wedding rings. Anyway, that's my start and will post a few other issues I think are crazy. Feel free to comment about these raised.
by DisconnectingDrone 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Disconnecting Drone, and Welcome to JWD.
Welcome! You are among friends here. Your questions are valid and will be answered by several members here. Congratulations on taking the first step to "individual thinking" and a whole new outlook on life. I think you are touching on some very basic questions about the organization ... I hope you'll stick around and discover all the other things the WTBTS doesn't want you to know.
- sacolton
Mickey mouse
Welcome. What a great first post! These are all good questions I started wondering about after I started reading here. Before that it was just an uncomfortable feeling that something was amiss!
Mickey mouse
3) Ministry. If the message is urgent, why are we using inefficient means to broadcast the news? Why do we call round at the worst possible times to catch people in.
That one really gets me too!
You certainly have good questions. Too bad you can't ask them in a KHall or you would be viewed as "weak and rebellious."
1) How do the Governing Body receive new light? The method is never elaborated on and it is certainly not a vision, or documents appearing at Brooklyn or angelic messengers. Do they do wet/dry fur tests like the guy did in the Bible? they don't..tis just guesswork albeit calculated guesses which they sometimes get right as does anyone who makes calculated guesses 2) If elders are appointed by holy spirit, sure you may be told that no one is perfect, but what about the guy who was a practicing pedophile and appointed as a MS and then an elder in London Bethel that was in the news recently? Did the holy spirit miss this? Did it overlook this sin and saw the good in him? elders aren't. its just calculated guesswork which...see above 3) Ministry. If the message is urgent, why are we using inefficient means to broadcast the news? Why do we call round at the worst possible times to catch people in. well if you know when the most efficient time to call is...then why arent you doing it? 4) Measuring spirituality in hours. Every other metric in the report is on head counts, meeting attendence, no. baptized, no publishers, no. pioneers, etc. Brother Elder does 2 hours a week each Saturday morning and talks to 2 people, Brother Scum does 1 hour every 2 weeks in the evening and speaks to 5 people each night. On the records Brother Elder looks good, but Brother Scum is doing better quality ministry. elders have the same amount of hours as everyone else in the week..but they also have meeting parts to prepare at the last minute, shepherding to avoid, judicial commitees to get onto if they are juicy, elders meetings to fight at, families to ignore, the ill and the aged to assign the care of, hall cleaning to watch..brother scum has none of these responsibilities so he ought to do more in the ministry 5) If Jesus is to rule for 1000 years and this started in 1914 then he is nearly 10% through his rulership and not exactly done anything yet. jesus only stood up to receive his kingship in 1874/75/1903/1914/1918/1919/1925/1954/1975/1999/2012/2036 but soon now he will stand up to start ruling for 1000/999/964/988/901/925/946/975/900/888/666/111 years depending on the starting point 6) National Anthems. Brothers in the US are allowed to stand but not sing and put their hand in their heart. Brothers in the UK are not allowed to stand. I know a brother who got beat up at a football match for refusing to stand for the anthem-it is not worship it is respect. If a public member enters the hall we expect him to stand out of respect. what on earth was a brother doing at a football match..and an international at that putting himself in a situation where he is faced with a nationalistic/worship/respect dilemma. did you witness the said beating btw. i fancy he may have been liberal with the truth to indulge fantasies of persecution. in the uk they dont really care...and for the record you can stand up if you want..just dont sing...or whistle 7) Silly rules that are not worth a forum topic: Clothing-brothers have to wear jackets & ties all the time, even if their is no air-con and the temperature is high. Then sisters get it bad in winter having to wear dresses and banned from trousers. most places of work or indeed worship have a dress code. wearing a suit isnt gonna kill you. and sisters can wear trousers if they want in the winter ..get over it. 8) Customs & celebrations. Most things are rooted in Babylonish customs and are acceptable, wedding rings, time measurements, angles & baptisms. Others are not. The argument that the early christians didn't do them doesn't wash either, there's no evidence that the used wedding rings. and most jws celebrate eveything...just call it a different name...and do it the day after
Welcome to the forum.
Brothers in the US are allowed to stand but not sing and put their hand in their heart.
It's been a long time since I was in but as I recall we (in the U.S.) were allowed to stand silently with our hands at our side for the Pledge to the flag but were supposed to remain seated for the National Anthem. Have things changed?
I always tried to avoid situations where they played the National Anthem so I wouldn't get beat up. Your study conductor sounds like a really good one - like he knows it's not the truth but maybe feels he has to stay for family.
Anyway, welcome to JWD. We look forward to hearing more from you.