BFD said:
Then all of a sudden she was like another person. Unreasonable, hurtful and self-righteous.
I think I'm guilty of painting all JWs with the same brush on this thread. That is unfair. Let me try again.
My parents are old school, uber-JWs through and through. They are the kind of JWs I was thinking of when I started this thread.
Here are the views they hold which I think are toxic and life-sapping.
1. This is not the REAL life. (Just heard this comment again at last week's Book Study.)
2. This is not YOUR life. Well, OK, Jehovah "gave" it to you. Sort of. But it's still not really yours.
2a. You can only be "Happy" doing things Jehovah's (i.e. Watchtower's) way.
2b. If you "do your own thing" you will always feel guilty knowing that Jehovah is looking over your shoulder. Not to mention the nosy, judgemental JWs who know you know better.
3. Competition is a bad thing. It's part of Satan's world.
4. Be paranoid, err, cautious about everything around you.
4a. Associations. If they're not JW, best to just not even get started. Any goodness you see in "worldly" people is nice, but if they're not a JW or not interested in becoming one, don't even get started down the road of friendship. It will only end in heartache or, worse, a destruction of your "faith".
4b. Entertainment. Various levels of paranoia & self-righteousness here depending on the JW. Some JWs don't even let their kids watch Snow White or Cinderella because of "demon stuff".
5. This world is in SATAN's hands. Look at everything with a jaundiced, detached eye. See the way the setting sun strikes the stained glass as it enters this cathedral you happened to wander into..... WHAT!?! Run, JW, Run! (I know, I know, plenty of JWs have no problem strolling through churches in Europe on vacation. But they often can't just enjoy the beauty for it's own sake. They're always "getting the creeps" about being inside part of Babylon the Great.
5a. Most of the world is just walking corpses since Jehovah's going to kill 'em soon.
6. Don't REALLY enjoy anything other than JWism too much. If you do, it could easily turn into idolatry. "Anything that comes between you and your worship of Jehovah, blah, blah". So what's the point in even "tasting" recreation or hobbies that appeal to you at a visceral level?
I'll stop ranting there.
Part of me doesn't want to lose my family. That's natural. And it's why I've been working on them and haven't just thrown it all in their face at once.
The other part of me says, "Hey, OM. Life is short. Do you really want to spend any more of it around people who cherish ideas you despise?"
Then my "middle-of-the-road" easy going voice kicks in. "Hey, nobody has family who all REALLY believe the same stuff. So just deal with it."
Hope you don't mind my mental rambling. It's at least somewhat therapeutic for me.