Watchtower Comments THE GENERATION CHANGE Featuring LEOLAIA
by V 221 Replies latest watchtower bible
Absolutely one of the best explanations of the "end times" prophecies in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Revelation.
You have outdone yourself Leolaia!!! I also appreciate that you explained the scholar's terms you used for us laymen.
Thank you so much for this. And V for posting it.
Love and hugs,
Look what I found doing some simple WT Library research in the Watchtower 1 of november 1995 (the same about the generation change) Questions From Readers At 1 Peter 2:9, the “King James Version” calls anointed Christians “a chosen generation.” Should this affect our view of Jesus’ use of “generation” recorded at Matthew 24:34? [...] As discussed on pages 10 to 15, Jesus condemned the generation of Jews of his time, his contemporaries who rejected him. (Luke 9:41; 11:32; 17:25) He often used qualifiers such as “wicked and adulterous,” “faithless and twisted,” and “adulterous and sinful” in describing that generation. (Matthew 12:39; 17:17; Mark 8:38) When Jesus used “generation” for the last time, he was on the Mount of Olives with four apostles. (Mark 13:3) Those men, who were not yet anointed with spirit nor part of a Christian congregation, certainly did not constitute either a “generation” or a race of people. They were, though, very familiar with Jesus’ use of the term “generation” in referring to his contemporaries. So they logically would understand what he had in mind when he mentioned “this generation” for the last time. The apostle Peter, who was present, thereafter urged Jews: “Get saved from this crooked generation.”—Acts 2:40. [...]Consequently, when the apostles heard Jesus refer to “this generation,” what would they think? While we, with the benefit of hindsight, know that Jerusalem’s destruction in the “great tribulation” came 37 years later, the apostles hearing Jesus could not know that. Rather, his mention of “generation” would have conveyed to them, not the idea of a period of great length, but the people living over a relatively limited period of time. The same is true in our case. How fitting, then, are Jesus’ follow-up words: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. . . . On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.”—Matthew 24:36, 44. They're using the same argument from 1927 and later discarded in 1995, now in 2008...It's just unbeliavable.
I am so impressed with Leolaia - I wish I knew more about her. I don't care much about the Bible, but the explanation she gave is fascinating. So the WTBTS isn't the first to try to explain the delay in Christ's coming - it's been going on practically since the beginning of Christianity. Interesting!