Hey everyone! Listen to this!
by Sebastian Melmoth 12 Replies latest jw friends
I often go out in ladenhossen just to confuse everyone and know for sure that if I meet a genuine female she will be free of ego!
They're started by the jealous people and
They get mad Seein' somethin' they had And sombody else is holdin' Tell me that temptation Is very hard to resist
But these wicked [people], Ooh, they just persist
Hear the one about [appropriate name here], Some say he must be gay
I try to argue, but they say If he was straight he wouldn't walk that way
I can't go no place Without somebody pointin' a finger
I can't show my face 'Cause when it comes to rumors I'm a dead ringer It seems from rumors I just can't get away
I bet there'll even be rumors Floatin' around on Judgment DayExcerpted from "Rumors," Timex Social Club, 1986
SA, a slave of Christ who believes that it should only be ones "without sin" (of any kind) that should cast stones