I rarely come here anymore but I saw the film last night and figured there would be a thread on it.
It's well made, funny and biased as any other documentary out there.
For me the film accomplished one thing marvelously. No matter how people try to cloak themselves in science and truth, they have a bias. That and the issue has become dangerously politicized, religionized and ego-tized.
If it's true that scientists who support some modicum of intelligent design are having their careers ruined it just goes to show you how the problem is more one of human nature than anything else, IMHO.
Dawkins comes off as a zealot who gets trapped by his own ego and Ben Stein's questions. How did this guy become of the face of atheism?
I believe Ben Stein goes too far in implying Darwinism gave birth to Nazi ideology and its evil. Watch the excellent documentary "Bonhoeffer." Hitler and the Nazis used everything including God and religion in shoring up his power.