This article, which mentions the recent probable discovery of a comet impact crater in Iraq around the time for the Biblical Flood, might interest some on this board.
I personally believe the myth of a global flood is nothing more than ancient legends but then we now know that the Earth is routinely blasted by fairly large asteroids and comets that can release the energy of 10 million atomic bombs and dramatically effect life on Earth. If you have watched some of Hollywood’s recent disaster movies that feature impacts, you will know that if a large comet hit one of the oceans, it would create incredibly powerful and destructive waves of water (called Tsunamis) that would reach in some cases, hundreds of miles inland. Any primitive men around at the time that survived such an event, would surely think a "global flood" had happened and that it was because the God's were pissed. They would have no concept of asteroids and meteor's, and any such sights would be fire coming down from God. Looking at things this way, suggests a possible explanation for the various cultural myths of a global flood.
All great deeds and all great thoughts have ridiculous beginnings--Albert Camus