This is a baseball tribute thread. Please post anything and everything about baseball memories, the game, your favorite team, players opinions on the designated hitter rule. Anything.
Baseball brings back the magical feelings of childhood and tagging along with my older siblings to the little league games played at the parks my mother worked when she was the art director for Mobile Parks and Recreation.
Then there was the softball league I played for, very badly I might add, and loved every single game we lost. Never won a game. We were the rejects from the better teams, culled and formed into a team anyone and everyone could beat. We didn't care. We had our St. Mary's Parish Sheriff's Department orange and black shirts, our white wrangler shorts, white bobby socks and white keds. We got a New Orlean's sno ball after everygame: win or lose. We went to the tournament. We never had so much fun. I was the kid that the outfield moved "in" for. I missed every pop fly, way out there in center field. I was afraid of the ball.
When my kids were young, we used to go to the ball fields and watch the little leaguers play. I so wished my kids could play ball, but alas, JW's said, "NO!" And my grandson Julian would rather play soccer or tennis. *Sigh*
I'm a National League fan. I love the Braves. Just can't quite make my mind bend to accept the designated hitter of the American League. But I must admit I have been listening to the Tiger's games on the way home from work.
Long live baseball ! And I hope to catch a White Caps game this summer.
Here's to the crack of the bat, the soft thud of the catch and the dirty spots on the pants of the player who just slid into home. A tribute to the Boys of Summer: