You can read books on the subject till you are blue in the face. But you can also try something else.
I had a personal experience a little more than a year ago. I was trying to balance science and spirituality and
had been praying about it (in the way I pray). I was deep in the zone, as they say, thinking about scientific concepts
and that spiritual connection to things I have felt many times, when I began reading Genesis "as a scientist".
There is a book called "Grammatical Man" that I read years ago and it is a sort of book that shows how mind meets
matter and lingquistics meets physics. I got to thinking that ancient language held up against the modern day scientifically
astute language would for sure lose something in the translation. I began to read Genesis with that frame of mind.
As I read, what was coming to me was an explanation of how the Creator began the process of Space, Matter, Time, and Motion.
I wish I could find my notes with the exact scripture and how it applied to each of the above, but I've misplaced them at the moment.
But rather than looking at the creation account literally, I was looking at it through different eyes and "seeing" the spiritual meaning
of water, void without form, darkness, light, motion (as in the Holy Spirit moving upon the face of the water), time (beginning). All
aspects of the basic elements of matter, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth are addressed in that very first chapter. There were other understandings
I had, but I won't bore you with them right now.
It was an interesting exercise. There comes a time when you have read so many books by so many people with so many of their own
ideas, that you have to take that knowledge, assimilate and accommodate it, then trust yourself to sift through what is true and what is not
and just put it out there and let the spirit guide you to a deeper knowledge. When you get it, you KNOW it, and that's THAT.