What is the best way to help BurnTheShips...

by nvrgnbk 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    I would say that most are skeptical because they experience a disconnect from something that has been taught as reality only to grow to accept the reality that truly is, and reality itself is free of dieties, therefore, they can no longer believe that others really do have a connection to reality when a deity is thrown in the mix.

    So when an explanation is desired, and reality or at least something that shows hints of reality cannot be provided...then no, reality won't work that way. Crazy does-For lack of a politically correct word.

    Yes, they experience a disconnect. You are right in that they have been taught something about deity and found out that that teaching did not compute with their personal consciousness....It didn't

    feel real because your "vibration" is different and you need to search for your own connection to "God". The word "god" throws too many people off track because they are still thinking like they were

    taught as kids to think. Toss that out the window and find your own connection. Most unbelievers, however, don't have the spiritual energy anymore to do it. It has atrophied and they are perfectly

    content living their lives without it. It's their choice. It doesn't make them a bad person.

    If it makes you feel good to call believers "crazy", then that's your thing. There are crazy people that are believers and crazy people that are unbelievers. Crazy can cover a broad spectrum of people.

    Where do you think the term "mad scientist" came from? People thought their "knowledge" was idiocy, but later....sometimes centuries later, they were proven correct. Crazy is not in the knowing or not

    knowing.....it's all relative.

  • lonelysheep
    If it makes you feel good to call believers "crazy", then that's your thing. There are crazy people that are believers and crazy people that are unbelievers. Crazy can cover a broad spectrum of people.

    Where do you think the term "mad scientist" came from? People thought their "knowledge" was idiocy, but later....sometimes centuries later, they were proven correct. Crazy is not in the knowing or not

    knowing.....it's all relative.

    You're misreading what I wrote and adding to it.

    Again, for lack of a better word meant that I did not want my post taken the way you took it, nor was I going to spend 20 minutes thinking of a nice nice word. A point needed to be made pronto and that point was directed at your words and reasoning that I addressed. Empty reasoning. Call it what you want, I guess.

  • journey-on

    I getcha.

  • FlyingHighNow

    They arent idiots. They just have a different idea than you about a particular topic.

    kinda like how my old man was. If you didnt agree with him, you were stupid or somehow against him. not cool.

    Yeah, my exhusband, still a jw, he's like this, too. If you disagree with him he'll say, "Ya lyin' ya head off. You're as crazy as you can be." Doesn't matter what the topic is, this is how he reacts. And it's one of the biggest reasons I did not fight a divorce.

  • dawg

    I bet he ran from you happy as a lark Flying High. you have to be the most illogical person I've ever read. Calling someone crazy or an idiot isn't a fallacy if you offer proof as to your claim. Again, no one can prove there is a God, those whom think they can are idiots. You can believe what you want as I sad many times, that's doesn't make you an idiot,. What makes someone sound stupid is when they say things like I quoted Ships as saying. You all chose to ignore those quotes, which doesn't surprise me one bit. If we that are agnostic were to say similar things we'd get blasted, yet we are asked to be logical in the face of foolishness.

    Instead we get comments on spelling while the point is lost. That's how people with small minds react when they can't win an argument logically. I always leave threads like these laughing at the opposition's "logic".

  • Mary

    Here's unequivocal proof that God exists:

  • BurnTheShips
    I bet he ran from you happy as a lark Flying High. you have to be the most illogical person I've ever read.

    And you've got to be the one of nastiest bitterest persons I've read here--and illogical too. You've called me an "idiot" how many times now? Why do I and others here that see things in a different light threaten you so much? Your posts drip with hate. Let it go man.

    I always leave threads like these laughing at the opposition's "logic".

    "Opposition" he says.

    That mindset just about somes up your dysfunction.


    EDIT to add: After reviewing the thread after not looking at it for a while, it looks like this special thread dedicated to me, BurnTheShips, has turned into an ugly flame thread.

    How strangely appropriate.


  • Open mind
    Open mind


    ....can't we ....all....just get .....along.

    Say it isn't so! If I'm not mistaken, our very own Sir Hillary may be sliding towards "Cuddlyness".

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