I think we miss the point!
You don't turn your back on medicine when you discover a quack doctor, do you?
But, you do turn your back on the Quack Doctor!
You don't give up restaurants when you get food poisoning, do you?
No, but you don't eat at the same restaurant that you got poisoned in either!
You see?
Specific things lead to specific actions and specific judgements.
The rotten apple in the barrel is a metaphor.
Who wants to eat the rotten apple? Nobody.
Who wants to drink from a river where a horse is taking a dump upstream?
The history of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a record, a testimony and an evidence of what the SUBSTANCE of their claim to TRUTH actually is (or isn't.)
1.They speak in Jehovah's name and attribute to Almighty God the words they print in their books and magazines. They, in effect, put the credit or blame on God.
2.When they send their members door to door to spread these words, messages, prophecies and Truths they make every person a party to the implied certainty of JEHOVAH'S direction.
3.When their words of prediction and prophecy prove to be in error what happens? They don't own up. The men at the top blame the members. In other words, they demonstrate irresponsible consciences.
4.The rule of thumb in Scripture is that a prophet whose words prove false IS NOT TO BE LISTENED TO OR FEARED. Plain and simple.
5. "God's words, not ours." This is damning. Jesus did not come in 1848. The Geat Pyramid did not contain passages of prophetic length. The "ancient worthies" did not ressurect and live in a San Diego mansion in 1925. (The Watchtower President did!) Armageddon did not come in 1975. All official pronouncements represented as THE TRUTH from Jehovah, the editor in chief of the Watchtower magazine.
Is Jehovah honored by false reprsentation?
Do people who spread false prophecy door to door honor Jehovah?
How do you separate a practice of medicine from the quack doctors who run this hospital?
Why would you?
Ignore the leeches and the bleeding treatments? I think not!
You get the hell out of there before your kids die from equally lunatic policies on blood!
You get the hell out of there before your family gets pulled down into a bog of medieval thinking and one of your loved ones gets shunned and you are ordered not to even pray for them or extend Christian mercy!
HOW MUCH EVIDENCE do you need to see the error of your premise??
When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Do you like scratching?
THE GOVERNING BODY is taking a dump upstream. Why would you drink the so-called "waters of life" DOWNSTREAM of them?
Get up and get your butt away from them and stop calling the drink REFRESHING!