To post here (or on any forum), one needs to register. That is easy enough--click on the appropriate instruction lind where it says "Sign In"::"Register". You fill out your username and the password, or whatever details it asks you for. You will need to give a valid email name so your password information can be sent (some forums allow you to preselect your password at the time of registration; this one requires using the one it gives you to initially log on).
Once you have the information, you log on. You put the username (which may not be the same as the handle you select), and enter the password. You may then set it up so you will be automatically logged on every time you visit the site. This is not recommended at a public terminal, but at home, it saves a lot of time.
Once you are logged on, you will see the words "Reply" and/or "New Topic". To post, you click onto the appropriate word and post away!