Russell's Will

by radar 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Mad Apostate,

    : With regard to Russell being "poisoned", maybe you should stop criticizing the Illumnati/Mason Conspiracy Theorists since YOUR CONSPIRACY BULLSHIT is just as deep!

    Possibly, but only an exhumation of Russell's remains and a modern autopsy will tell us for sure.

    : If Russell was poisoned, he did it to himself via self-medication.

    Really? Then I guess you've already performed that autopsy yourself.

    I find it laughable that you criticize other's speculations and then replace them with your own speculations.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • MadApostate


    Did you notice the opening word of that paragraph? "IF"!!!

    Why don't you pull your nose out of this "Bible Students" ass, whose old-WTS agenda and beliefs are as criminal as are the current ones.

    If you want to laugh about something, where were you when 'ol RR told lie after lie in his and my exchange earlier this week? Or, what about his other unsubstantiated comments in this thread, which have been questioned?

  • MadApostate

    Well, RoRo, is this going to be the 3rd thread this week you are going to jump in, throw around a few lies, and then hope everyone forgets it?



  • Scorpion


    I would also like to see whatever proof RR has to substantiate his claims.

    So, you have dealt with RR also! What other (BS) Bible Students have you dealt with if any?

  • RR


    Regarding the video and audio tapes of the Bible Students who knew and worked with Russell, are they available to the public? Do these oldtimers shed any light on the Russell-Rutherford feud? Did Robert Hirsh or his wife write their memoirs?

    Available to the public? Nope! Most of this stuff in in the possession of the "Bible Students Archives." It's interesting, that they have so much "dirt" on Rutherford yet because of their Christian demeanor, they refuse to stoop that low and make it known, although they talk about it among themslves.

    I was told of a story of Rutherford . He stayed at a hotel while serving s congregation, not exactly sure if he was a speaker at a convention or just visiting a class, but he sent them his hotel bill for them to pay. The bill was a few hundred thousands, by todays standards it would be a few thousand. The clas thought it was a bit much so they asked the hotel to send them an itemized bill. 90 percent of the bill was for liquor.

    Also, do you have any more information about the possiblility that Russell was poisoned. A Bible Student in Poland wrote a paper on this subject about 20 years ago. I don't recall who was the prime suspect. Anyway, I appreciate your answers.
    We are aware of the brother in Poland, he has even contacted me in the past. Most Bible Students I have spoken to sort of dismiss it, and there are others like myself who sort of take the attitude of "well, knowing Rutherford, anything is possible." However there is no solid evidence.

    It would be very difficult to exhume Russell's body. According to the 1919 Convention report. Once he was put in the hole. it was filled with cement. So either he's very perserved or happy chipping.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • RR


    What is really ironic is there's a WT Study article from the mid-80's (I believe 87 or 88) that speaks favorably about Russell's will and the editorial committee set up to review articles for publication. Of course, that's the current GB arrangement so it looks like that's the way things have always been. JFR fought the editorial committee and published the landmark "Birth of a Nation" article in 1925 against the wishes of the editorial committee--even though the statement that the committee was reviewing all articles for publication stayed in the WT until 1931.

    Actually, once Rutherford secured hios position as President, he pretty much did away with the editorial commitee. The board of director was a dummy board as well as the committee members. Rutherfrd wrote all the Watchtower articles and books, booklets and tracts. He dubbed himself the greatest Bible expositor in the world.

    As to the Society, I take anything they have to say with a grain of salt, they have been guilty of historical revisionism.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • RR

    To Stan aka Scorpion and the MadMoron, having dealt with you two in the past, I have nothing to say to you, since it is your intent to discredit everything I say with your own drivel. Where is YOUR support for anything YOU have to say?

    I did not say I believed Russell was poisoned. Someone else made that assertion, I merely carried it over with my thoughts. As to Woodworth and the Golden Age, the information can be found in the USA vs the IBSA court case and other places, it is a fact that The Golden Age was Woodworths "baby."

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • MadApostate


    You slobbered:

    To Stan aka Scorpion and the MadMoron, having dealt with you two in the past, I have nothing to say to you, since it is your intent to discredit everything I say with your own drivel. Where is YOUR support for anything YOU have to say?

    I did not say I believed Russell was poisoned. Someone else made that assertion, I merely carried it over with my thoughts. As to Woodworth and the Golden Age, the information can be found in the USA vs the IBSA court case and other places, it is a fact that The Golden Age was Woodworths "baby."

    Anyone who has followed my posts in these 3 threads, as well as other threads on this DB, know that ACCURACY is my main concern. When I do speculate, guess, or opine, I try to make sure that my verbiage clearly indicates such.

    When the issue is factual, such as when YOU STATED that WTBTS of PA was the original name of the first WT Corp, I responded by posting 2 early ZWT articles which PROVED YOU WRONG!

    RoRo, as for YOUR LIE that I try to discredit everything you say, anyone who so desires can go back through these 3 threads and see that I have mainly contested RIDICULOUS blanket statements made BY YOU, such as "Russell was totally against organization." OR "JWs are the children of only one man- Rutherford".

    As a over-hyped, questionably-objective "historian", if you can't back up such HORSESHIT, then I suggest NOT BLANKETLY ASSERTING SUCH!

    Even this latest post by you shows YOUR INGRAINED DISHONESTY. Readers, please compare what RoRo originally stated, "Woodworth 'financed' the Finished Mystery", with how he now "words" the issue in his latest post.

    WHY? Because 'ol RoRo, the great Bible Student Historian, LIED! Woodworth DID NOT "finance" the FM.

    I welcome substantiated facts and historical evidence from RoRo, just like I have asked him to post some of the photos taken of Russell posing at the Great Pyramid, BUT all RoRo seems interested in is using this DB to spread LIES about JWs and the current WTS, in order to further his "Bible Student" agenda.

    Gee, your fellow BSers must be so proud.

  • MadApostate
  • Farkel


    : If you want to laugh about something, where were you when 'ol RR told lie after lie in his and my exchange earlier this week?

    I was not able to get on the Internet last week, but what does that have to do with THIS thread?

    : Or, what about his other unsubstantiated comments in this thread, which have been questioned?

    There is nothing wrong with unsubstantiated comments and certainly nothing wrong with challenging them. What are you so steamed up about? I'm not a Bible student. I don't even believe in the Bible as anything more than just an old book.

    With regards to RR's statement that Woodworth "financed" the FM, I consider that to be either an honest mistake or sloppy wording. Woodworth probably didn't have any money, but it is possible that he could have raised the money to pay for the printing of the book. In my days as a mortgage broker I financed a 64 million dollar resort hotel. That is a FACT. Are you going to call me a liar because I didn't shell out the money myself, but rather arranged for the money?

    RR clarified his original statement about Woodworth, did he not?

    Relax, MadApostate. None of any of this is very significant, you know.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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