I thought that would get your attention.
I dont know if im being perverse here, but i seem to want one last confrontation with the jws.
i am out a good while now. long enough to stop getting hellos on the street. and even though i know
what those scumbags did to me before in thier meetings (old h20ers may remember) i still want to go at them again.
i was so depressed about things i really thought about suicide. One night i held a razer to my wrist trying to will
myself to do it.
it was only because of a nice new docter who wouldnt let me leave the surgery and gave me prozac that im here today.
those bastards lied again and again, one accused me of attempting to attack him, because i asked to speak to
him outside.
him and the co wrote letters pretending to be the whole body of elders , trying to get my brother dffd.
at the meeting with them the co said they were rightous men and justified in getting at me.
i can remember him making me shake hands with that asshole still.
he ended up removed himself, so i guess im better off than most here. but now i really want blood.
at a funeral last week the co was still there. he smiled at me and skook my hand, and even though hes about
sevennty i wanted to scream at the bastard.
i want to make them visit me and start it up again. i want to show them i dont give a fuck about them
or thier bullshit organization.
i want my mum to see who ive been dealing with all this time.
i work alone and most of my day is spent thinking about this crap. i want to finish it.
the question is why cant i forget.
any thought on my ramblings would be appreciated