MOONPIE- By not going back to the witnesses you give your daughter a chance to think freely without mind control and you leave her options open for a broad happy future with endless possibilities . By going back to the witnesses you leave her only with 1 option - to be mind controlled to their views and have no options
I'm getting sucked back in.
by moonpie 46 Replies latest jw friends
You are looking outside yourself for the answer. Don't get me wrong, there have been some good suggestions on this thread. However, you need to look inside yourself. Listen to your own internal voice. What does it say? This is radical thinking, from a jw perspective, trusting yourself. We have much deeper wisdom than we have been told.
S -
If you spend the time research the Watchtower doctrine and history over time it will click to you that it is not truth. Think what that means if you go back:
1. - You will spend the rest of your life hoping for Armageddon. At 70 years of age, after no Armageddon you will look back on your life, wondering how you would have lived it if you had been true to your self, rather than following decrees of old men in Brooklyn.
2. - The hardship your daughter will have to go through being a social outcast at school - for no good reason.
It is very difficult escaping the indoctrination of the Watchtower Society, but over time the heartache will fade. It is worth going through the difficult times now for the sake of you husband, daughter, and yourself. -
moonpie: a little girl who is going to be 2 years old in July, I want to make the right decision.
Well if you let yourself get sucked in, at least you are aware that is what is's not quite the same as being warmly drawn to a crackling fire on a cold night is it? If you go along with this sucky sucking....leave your child out of it!! Just stop and think about all she would miss out on, and how she will feel like a FREAK in public schools...........oompa
and her oh so limited options at finding a good husband someday
choosing life
Just be still and listen to your thoughts. Take some time for yourself and look closely at the beautiful child you have. Trust your husband when he says everything will be just fine.
Samuel Thorsen
I've been crying, I've been depressed. I keep praying to god to send me a sign as to what I should do
This means you're normal. Been there.
Hang on, read about the WTS on Internet and you will figure it all out for yourself.
I left and went back twice. Each time I was reminded why I had left in the first place, the lack of love. Each time I went back nothing improved despite my wishful thinking, if anything things got worse. This is the third and last time I have left, it's been 7 years this May. I won't ever be going back because now I have done my homework and read the past writings of the WTS and all the lies they have told and are still telling. I read Ray Franz books and merely confirmed what I had already found out from their own words. Hung with their own words. You have a loving and supportive husband and a lovely daughter. Are you ready to sacrifice your daughter on the revolving blood transfusion (and organ transplant doctrine from 1967-1980)? Research it here:
Don't make this an emotional decision. It may be that your family will turn its back on you but the family that counts, your husband and daughter will still be there. Since I became inactive my family has treated me as df'd. Actually, it was a favor. My emotional problems and dissonace has cleared up and I have learned to make true friends that aren't constantly judging.
Send me a pm dear one.
Love, Blondie
All I can say is this: Don't go back!
The question of going back or not will keep coming back to you unless you make up your mind NOW!
Don't feel guilty for anything. You can have a good relationship with God without that organization. Keep in mind that God loves you.
Greetings from the "back of beyond"
Holy Cow JaneMissy! That is a heck of powerful first post! Welcome to JWD. What prompted you to join us on this early USA Sunday morning? This site has helped me sooooo much this past year..........enjoy your stay..................................oompa
Thank you!
I really dont want to hijack this tread. I feel this is a very serious matter to moonpie, so I'll just introduse myself in another post.
To Samuel, What!! Is this an anagram, your nick, or what?
C U all!