...For Jack Daniels.
And Bose.
And Boeing.
And Microsoft.
But, 'specially for Jack Daniels!
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
by Englishman 19 Replies latest jw friends
...For Jack Daniels.
And Bose.
And Boeing.
And Microsoft.
But, 'specially for Jack Daniels!
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
Did they give us the internet as well?
Yup, the Microschip and later the Internet (thanks to its strong, subsidized public sector hehe)
For booze & beer, my thanks mostly goes to the friends on the British Isles (of course Ireland included). Sorry, English, but JD is no friend of mine. Glad our merkin friends are better at technology than alcoholic beverages
- Jan
"Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets
Manchester, home of Boddingtons, was where the industrial revolution started and later the computer revolution (ENIAC 1). There was also some dud who had a lot to do with electricity (I can't remember his name but there's a pub in Sale with a plaque on it )
It was also the location for the first commercial airport in the UK at Barton which is just down the road from us.
However, the US & Microsoft in particular has better marketing and exploits technology better than us. I like Microsoft. I love America.
BTW: The lyrics for your national anthem actually makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up whereas ours makes me want to end it all...
Thank you England for the LandRover!
Thank you Japan...for Nintendo! haha!
Thanks America, for Texmex and Colonel Sanders, icecream sodas, Coka Cola and Californian nuts (like farkel)
Here's to growing up with pogo sticks, yoyo's, skateboards and go-carts. You can keep yer giant cars, plastic beef patties on a sesame seed bun, jack in the box and basketballs but send over all the rock'n roll music and surf gear ya like
God save the queen! (for nothing will save the Govenor General)
oops double posting .. frigging thing .. one minute me passwords no damn good next minute .. o
America thanks for Vietnam
England .. um .. thanks for the boatloads o' pilfering humanity.`
Thanks Britan, England, and the United Kingdom for the Beetles and the Rolling Stones.
Thanks Japan for Sony Walkmans.
Thanks Canada for ..... Help me out, what has Canada done for me lately?
"Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford
I feel bad for these poor fools.
http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]
You're welcome Eman,
Not that I personally had anything to do with any of that, I just wanted an excuse to give you a
And I think Zerrubberbalz has been nippin' at the Jack Daniels or something. He's seeing double
Either that or his "ballz' were itchin' and he was distracted.
Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!