Thank You, America...

by Englishman 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    On behalf of all Americans, I want to thank the people of Great Britan, Canada and Australia for being the best of friends.

    Let it be noted that Canada has given us - nay, THE WORLD - Father Naeblis Poppaofallofus, the wonderful and honorable Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Second City TV, actress Lydia Schone, Lorne Greene, many great comedians including Mike Meyers and the author Michael Slade.

    It is true that historically it took the US a few years to get it's head out of it's ass when WWII started, but America was not alone in the isolationist movement - didn't the men at Oxford resolve that they would not fight for the crown?

    I for one am grateful. Thanks, brothers!

    PS - if you like Jack Daniels, you should treat yourself to a bit of Booker's Small Batch Bourbon (126 proof)! but be forewarned - bars here charge about $16 a shot.

  • AMarie

    I second Nathan Nattas on that notion.

    Thank you Great Britain, Australia, and Canada for being such good friends to us. Thank you for Bitter Mango, Naeblis (the Turkish man PRETENDING to be greek and the lovely, unseen Prisca). Thank you for the wonderful e-man, who can probably drink all of us young uns under that table. Simon, our board lord, thank goodness we have you. HEHEHE. Of coarse, that is my personal take on it. Peace.


  • wasasister

    "...For Jack Daniels.
    And Bose.

    And Boeing.

    And Microsoft."

    Englishman: one-half of your list comes from my city. Unfortunately, we are also responsible for over-priced boutique coffee, Grunge Rock, and Kenny G. Maybe Jimmi Hendrix can make up for those last two?

    I'm grateful for British comedy (Monte Python, Rowland Atkinson, AbFab, everyone else except Benny Hill), Japanese food, Canadian hospitality, Australian charm (you know who I mean), French wines, German beer, Norwegian breakfasts (you know what I mean), African rhythm, and the great Italian - Amerigo Vespucci - for putting us on the map.

    I love our international community!

  • Stephanus
    I love our international community!

    Well said, Wasa! Viva el Globalizacion!

    US: Pepsi, KFC and Scooby Doo
    UK: Glennfiddich, Whose Line is it Anyway? and Scrapheap Challenge (Junkyard Wars)
    Canada: Colin Mochry, Naeblis and Bitter Mango

    "He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot." - Groucho Marx

  • SixofNine

    Unclebruce, I see you are a man of discriminating taste, with a godly hatred for the vulgar. Still, I must remind you that Vietnam is only a loan.

  • Yerusalyim

    Thank you England for Kidney Pudding! Yum Yum!

    Thank you Germany for Liederhosen!

    Thank you Australia for Steve Irwin, the Crocodile guy.

    Thank you Japan for crappy Elvis impersonators.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Englishman

    Just curious, most Yanks I meet are amazed that we eat steak an kidney pie and/or liver.

    Is this considered to be inedible or disgusting fare over there?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Usually kidneys are not popular fare in the US - we tend to concentrate on muscle meats and leave the organs alone.

    Once, on a dare, I prepared and ate a raw liver and cabbage sandwich.

    Personally, I've tried them all, with the exception of brains. In recent years as I came to understand how many toxins and supplementary hormones remain in the liver, I've cut WAY back. With new information about prion diseases, I feel justified (and prescient) about my avoidance of brains.

  • safe4kids


    Just curious, most Yanks I meet are amazed that we eat steak an kidney pie and/or liver.

    Is this considered to be inedible or disgusting fare over there?

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! yes!!! Look, I try really hard to not judge people...I try to be accepting of all things different, especially when it's tied to cultural mores...but MY GOD, a woman can only stand so much!!! And let me tell ya, I don't think that lips which have tasted kidneys will ever taste me!! Course, there is that ol' admonition to 'never say never' so....

    Sorry to get carried away and all that....why eating a critter's organs is different to me than eating its flesh is anyone's guess but I just can't help it!


    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
    Closing Time, Semisonic

  • Englishman

    I suppose it's a cultural thing. Can't say that eating brains or heart appeals to me much either. However, a good ole English breakfast is wonderful if there's a couple of halves of grilled lambs kidneys included.

    Mind you, my kids won't touch it. My Mum says that she conditioned me to eat that sort of thing. I as born at the end of WW2 when all food in the UK was strictly rationed, so she told me that kidneys and liver were a special type of "chocolate meat" made just for me!



    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

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