In reading these boards for years now I always wonder what great minds were lost to the cult? The person who could have been a great scientist and cured diseases, the next Mozart, some great artists, and so on. Many have picked up the pieces and gone on to education but for many time has seemed to run short and the notion of going to school for years and years at a late age and then having a career is unrealistic, not to say it can't be done. For others the time it takes to get through the emotional & spiritual bagage is daunting enough and cannot yet focus on what they really want to be when they 'grow up'. (not meaning that in a derogotory way, just a way in which worldly people mean it)
Of course that happens in the worldy world too. We make bad choices in our young lives and get to be middle age and realize we messed up and need more education or haven't followed our dreams. The difference is that at least they were our own bad choices not inflicted upon us by an organization. We had the choice to make and have only ourselves to blame.