So Jehovah and Satan are in Vegas and decide to place "a bet" that loyal servant Job would still be faithful if he lost his money, family, wife's respect and health....and yes, he still praises Jehovah! Is this logical? If God arranged for your family to be killed and destroyed your health and finances would you say:"Thank you Sir can I have another!" What type of God would do this to his most faithful servant as an experiment?.....this means no faithful Jehovahs Witness is "safe." An Apostate may be lucky enough to survive a plane crash but his Witness "brother" ten rows down dies...."time and unforseen occurence" for everyone.
Job lost everything and still praised God???? Would you?
by Witness 007 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
keyser soze
I always thought the story was one giant, sadistic ego trip on god's part. He allowed Job to endure unspeakable suffering, not for his own benefit, but to prove a point to Satan, that humans could serve him solely out of love. Which begs the question, why would they love a god who would do this?
Witness 007
In the end don't all christians serve God for some spiritual rewards? {Heaven.....Paradise.........70 Virgins!}
In the end don't all christians serve God for some spiritual rewards? {Heaven.....Paradise.........70 Virgins!}
I'd like to inspect the goods first.
To me it sounds like a mythical book that found its way in the Bible instead of being classified with the apocrypha. It was a mistake of the church fathers but then again they didn't do a bad job given the hundreds of bogus books circulating at the time.
real one
The story of Job is beneficial for all christians to know that they can continue to serve God under adverse circumstances. Believe it or not christians today go through much more brutal treatment then Job did and still continue to serve him. You don't understand that? Thats understandable.
The story of Job is beneficial for all christians to know that they can continue to serve God under adverse circumstances. Believe it or not christians today go through much more brutal treatment then Job did and still continue to serve him. You don't understand that? Thats understandable.
I think the difficulty is not that there is an issue in serving a good deity in spite of adverse circumstances or opposition. That part of the story anybody can understand. The difficulty is that, if the story is to be taken literally and factually, the Yahweh deity was the direct cause of Job's suffering as part of some sort of wager against Satan. The deity trivialized the lives of Job's family.
Mr Ben
This book has proved most beneficial to Christians through the ages. It shows Yahweh to be a sadistic bastard, and, following his example, Christains for a thousand years perfected the art of being sadistic bastards, introducing the Inquisitions and the Acts of Faith etc.
Like father like sons I guess.
... and Job! What a shallow tosser. Oh! All my children dead? Never mind, had them replaced, so that's ok. (Like possessions? Sheep come to mind.)
I dont think any of us could answer that question accurately without being put in that situation.
Actually, It was Satan who proposed such test to be made on Job. Sure, God could have said, "No way are you touching my faithful servant!" but God had faith on Job and he knew he was going to be right. If you read it from the begining, God was actually giving it to Satan telling him that Job was Awsome! That Satan got nothing on Job, which means Satan got nothing on God. He's the God!-Aleman