Job lost everything and still praised God???? Would you?

by Witness 007 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VoidEater

    If I were Job, then I suppose I would say, "Thank you, Sir, can I have another!"

    Happily, I'm not Job.

    Remaining faithful through adversity is a display of loyalty, and many of us exhibit this in our lives (faithful to wives, faithful to corporations, faithful to our own ideals, et al ad inifinitum). Sometimes it's even justified or valued.

    But when someone in power makes a mockery of that loyalty, that rather changes the picture.

    Since I can't conceive that God guides football players to success nor to ruin, I can't accept that God is the arbitrary sadist shown in Job, either.

  • Bring_the_Light

    That isn't the least of it. The way I figure it, I owe god the depreciated value of a 6,000-year-old-apple. He's charged me more than I owe, therefore I ain't payin'. Let the f-er take it to court.

  • BurnTheShips

    Job is great,

    The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord!


  • Jim_TX

    Yeah... I always thought this story of Job to be a bit hard to swallow.

    I mean... he has what... 10 adult children that get killed? That can be very devastating to a parent.

    But... oh... later he has another 10 children to 'replace' those first ten. I don't think any parent who loses a child ever considers the next one a 'replacement' - and goes on with life. They always remember the one(s) they lost.

    This just shows that children - back then - were considered possessions - like sheep - or money. Nothing more.

    As for God and Satan's bet - yeah... I think that it was more of a pissing match than it was a test of Job's faith.

    I mean... if Satan wanted - all he had to do was to pull the ultimate card - 'Remember when I got your first two to disobey you? You know... Adam & Eve?' Yeah... that outta tick off the mighty God. Make him storm around a bit - kill something... then show regret afterwards.


    Jim TX

  • WTWizard

    What has God ever done for me that is praiseworthy? Has He ever caused anything good to actually happen in my life? Or has He ordered me to work endlessly on getting it myself, only to sabotage my getting the good fruits?

    I believe that God hasn't done a fxxxing thing in my life to deserve praise. Everything good I have, I worked for on my own, and God has no damn business trying to take even the slightest credit. If anything, He has muted it and totally stopped certain major items (like having the attention of the opposite sex) from happening at all. And hence there is no way I am ever going to praise that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

  • BurnTheShips

    What has God ever done for me that is praiseworthy? Has He ever caused anything good to actually happen in my life? Or has He ordered me to work endlessly on getting it myself, only to sabotage my getting the good fruits?

    I believe that God hasn't done a f xxx ing thing in my life to deserve praise. Everything good I have, I worked for on my own, and God has no damn business trying to take even the slightest credit. If anything, He has muted it and totally stopped certain major items (like having the attention of the opposite sex) from happening at all. And hence there is no way I am ever going to praise that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

    Someone needs to get laid. I doubt God is cockblocking you.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open
    To me it sounds like a mythical book that found its way in the Bible instead of being classified with the apocrypha. It was a mistake of the church fathers but then again they didn't do a bad job given the hundreds of bogus books circulating at the time.

    As with many (all?) of the stories in the old testament, the story of Job was written by people, for people, to assure them that despite false friends blaming our misfortunes on bad behaviour on our part, God will still look down on us favourably if we remain faithful and remember who it was that made us and that we don't have all the answers. (Note: I don't believe in God.)

    Take it literally and you miss the point and genre of the specific piece of literature, as many do with the story of Jonah.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Q.: Job lost everything and still praised God???? Would you?

    A.: No. I deny him, his boy and his magic spirit. If he exists, I am part of his plan.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Viodeater says "loyalty comes in many forms like to your wife..." If my wife on a bet,killed my kids, demolished my house and infected me with a virus, no I would NOT remain faithful to her!

  • Aleman

    But It was NOT God who did these things. It was Satan who did it. Besides, since Job was faithful, he is going to be resurected with every last one of his children. They will see each other in the coming paradise. And Jehovah God will continue to bless him forever.


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