I am fed up with "Where else would I/We Go?"

by OnTheWayOut 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    It is a standard answer that I get from the few JW's that I speak with.

    "The organization has it's flaws, but where else would we go to be among
    people who strive to do [Jehovah's/God's] will?"

    "I don't understand all the doctrine, nor take it as seriously as you do, but
    I say where else would I go for basic Bible truths?"

    "Where else would we go to find people declaring the truth in a worldwide
    preaching campaign?"

    It's all nonsense. A poster on one of my threads from a ways back gave me the
    answer. Don't let them derail the conversation with "Where else would we go?"
    Turn it right back on them. Either it's the truth or it's not. Forget trying to find
    something similar, but better. Start by examining the truth to see if it is "the truth."
    There are people striving to do God's will all over the religious world- there are many
    who explain basic Bible concepts of truth- there are others who preach via the door-to-
    door work or through other medias. Start with an examination of the doctrine and the
    history of the organization and determine if they are false prophets, or adding too much
    personal opinion and burden to the message of the scriptures, or not showing real true
    unselfish love, or if they are fully in harmony with what is right.

    JW's seem to mock when they see Mormons going by on their bicycles or when they
    see the Salvation Army folks in their white suits canvassing the neighborhood or when
    some guy with a microphone is announcing God's Kingdom on a corner. They look at
    the straw in their eyes and miss the rafter in their own. Stop looking for errors in other
    religions declaring there is nothing better.

    I suppose this is my rambling bitterness thread, so feel free to add to it.

  • greendawn

    Even if there is nowhere else to go it doesn't mean that one should stay with the JWs if they are a substandard harmful cult. After all according to them there was nowhere to go from the days of Constantine (great apostasy) until they appeared 1600 years later. How did people get by in that very long period of time?

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince
    "Even if there is nowhere else to go it doesn't mean that one should stay with the JWs if they are a substandard harmful cult. After all according to them there was nowhere to go from the days of Constantine (great apostasy) until they appeared 1600 years later. How did people get by in that very long period of time?"

    That is a GREAT point!

    That is exactly what I am doing: getting by. They obviously aren't guaranteeing anything, and their confidence meter is pretty low, anyway.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Not that I believe the Wholly Babble anyway, but, it's all a misquotation anyway. The apostles didn't ask WHERE would we go, but to WHOM shall we go? To me it's a moot point, all being drivel imho. But to a believer, the answer is to go to Jesus, NOT the Bait & Switchtower Society.

  • oompa

    "I really don't know where I am going, but I sure as hell am going to keep looking until I find something better.....something that makes more sense......and doesn't keep jerking peoples hopes and dreams around all the time by changing very important teachings. Want to come with me?"...oompa

  • Gayle

    I may not know where I'm going, but I know where I've been! The search is better, with more love, joy and peace!

  • AGuest

    this, dear OTWO (and peace to you!):


    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • greendawn

    Their trust worthiness is nil given their history they often misled their followers with their ideas into making life changes that proved unprofitable if not outright harmful and never once did they apologise to them. That's very arrogant and insensitive. My opinion is that there is no religion up to the right standard and all one can do is avoid all cultic organisations and perhaps associate loosely with a mainstream christian religion.

  • Hope4Others
    Either it's the truth or it's not. Forget trying to find
    something similar, but better. Start by examining the truth to see if it is "the truth."

    And my response to them is you better read that scripture again; "To whom shall we go" (where is that scripture?)

    "Keep testing to see if this is so" to the Bereanens( I can't find anything today)

    And I'm not leaving Jehovah, I'm leaving the watchtower!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    John 6:

    68 Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."

    As H4O says - its a popular and extremely misleading misquote. In the correct context, Peter is saying he's sticking with Jesus (not an organisation) because Jesus has the words of eternal life - and for emphasis, a further reason/statement is made in verse 69 - because he believes that Jesus is the Messiah.

    If the org wants to apply verse 68 to itself therefore, it MUST, by default also apply verse 69 to itself. I didn't realise this until just now!

    The WTS is claiming to be the Messiah. I wonder if they realise?!

    What was that which Jesus said about the end times? "Many will come saying 'I am he'.Do not listen to them"

    edit - here it is, Luke 21:

    7 "Teacher," they asked, "when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?"

    8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.

    9 When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away."


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