Finnish CO was sentenced for three years for molesting little girls in Estonia and his Finnish congregation years 2003 to 2005. Man had been a CO in Estonia. The mother was not believed at first, but laughed at. She is a JW herself. "They just laughed at me and told me that this man is so gullible." Some of the molesting took place in Canary Islands, where the 74-year-old man was "as a granpa" for the children.
Finnish CO centenced for molesting 5 to 11 year-old girls
by Aaac 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I have a ton of words in my mind for that guy, but I'll be banned from this forum for life if I mention them. Grrrr. This is awful!
Translation anyone?
They just laughed at me and told me that this man is so gullible."
I don't understand why would that be funny?
Awakened at Gilead
We had a CO in Ecuador that was Df'd since it was discovered that he a molested 2 sisters about 15 years prior...
That is sicko mundo ! I bet if they dig around in the archives or checked in the cracks - more Circuit overseers and district overseers would be found out having abused children ! Let's see - I hear one very famous JW district overseer was rumored to have abused children here in California some years ago ! I hear tale he is still on the loose though. Bastards
Here is a rough translation: 74-year-old molested his grandchildren Jehovah's Witnesses community is shaken by an incest and pedophilescandal, where a 74-year-old grandfather was sentenced for molesting four children. Offers were 5 to 11-year-old girls. Two of the girls were man's own grandchildren. Court found molestations toward grandchildren to be aggravated. Both the 75-year-old and the offers with their families are Jehovah's Witnesses. Man was convicted at Espoo Local Court for thee years in prison. According to the court sentence, the crimes have taken place in Spain, Estonia and Espoo [Finland] through years 2003 to 2005. Everything started to become clear on a vacation to Tenerife, where two of the girls were with. "Family friends had taken (the 74-year-old) with them on a vacation as a grandpa. My own daughter was with them as a friend of their daughter," tells a mother whose child was molested 9-years-old. "Girls came by to tell what had happened. I immeaditely put everything on paper." According to mother, her daughter has recovered of the case quite well, although she has had it difficult at times. Also, investigations took many years before the sentence. "At first, we were not believed, really we were laughed at: he is such a gullible man, please don't tell us that." During the vacation in Tenerife, molestation was limited to touching, and mast*rbating so that the girls saw it. During the preliminary hearing, it was beginning to be seen, that the two girls had been molested in a way clearly beyond that. Especially the older of the family girls has suffered from depression and lack of trust and sense of safetiness. Deeds happened on a vacation in Spain and at home in Estonia and Finland. The 74-year-old often took care of the girls and he was considered as a childcaring person. About the Tenerife incident, man admitted a part of the accusations. Aggravated molestation was totally denied by him in court. The 74-year-old left for Estonia as early as in the beginning of the 90's to bee a missionary after the Soviet Union had collapsed. He was there to start one local congregation. "Part of the people thought he was a charity man who brought clothes and other things. When you see this man, nobady would believe this about him," says a family friend of the 9-year-old. According his Estonian visitcard, the 74-year-old was there as a Congregation Overseer, Circuit Overseer and a member of the Hospital Liaison Commitee. "Elders should be idols, but this one has really ignored Bible's principles," the friend tells.
Thanks for the info and translation!
Worldwide there are so many victims...and all the gb needs to do, is change its policies... but they don't... thats pure evil!!
The Oracle
Worldwide there are so many victims...and all the gb needs to do, is change its policies... but they don't... thats pure evil!!
Lord knows they aren't afraid to change doctrine...why not change a dumb policy that helps create a safe haven for child molestors?
To steal a page from the elders book they can only be one of two things - they are either weak or evil...
The Oracle