Maybe this guy is mentioned in the yearbook?
Finnish CO centenced for molesting 5 to 11 year-old girls
by Aaac 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
With "offer" I meant "victim", of course.
"Victim" is "Opfer" in German so I assumed that is what you meant. Is it "offer" in Finnish?
The insidious thing about this pedophile is that it was stated about him, " When you see this man nobody would believe this about him. " no doubt that led some to disbelieve the accusations of child abuse as the victim and her family were, " not believed and laughed at ". How many times has this been true of similar situations in the Jehovah's Witness organization. This is like a bad rerun which keeps reoccurring constantly ! This thread is important for people to see. It is duly bumped up
The Oracle
I agree with Mr. Flipper. It's an important one. Too many dubs with their heads in the sand on this one.
Worldwide there are so many victims...and all the gb needs to do, is change its policies... but they don't... thats pure evil!!
Change the policy how? Oh, I know, Make it so that any one person with a grudge or in need of some attention can make some false accusation and turn anothers life into a living hell.
Believe me, anyone that molests a child deserves whatever wrath and fury comes their way. But you better believe me, if anyone ever falsly accused me and costs me my family, job, I would spend the rest of my life eaking out revenge.
The bottom line is that there is no sure fire method of preventing abuse, except for parents to be proactive and protect their own children. I would never think to let my little girl go out in service for any length of time with an older brother. And if my little girl ever accusses someone, I would definately get to the bottom of it. If I found just cause, that person would be prosecuted, PERIOD! I don't give a rats a@$ who doesn't like it.
I've said it before, and I will say it again, If you are reading this and are an abuse victim, my heart bleeds for you. I wish I could do or say something to bring you some comfort. But no abuse on your part justifies a false accusation on someone elses part.
The guildlines from the branch are that any molestor or accused molestor is followed from congregation to congregation with letters of introduction. Those letters never disapear, and that person CANNOT be used in an appointed position. And likewise, the elders cannot stop that person from preaching, but they will not put that person in a cargroup with children. The elders in each congregation that he attends would be aware and they should keep an eagle eye on him. It would bring legal issues on the congregation if they informed all of the members of that persons standing. WE each have a responsibility to gauge a persons standing by their progress. Does that person comment? Are they active proclaimers? Are they used by the congregation? And if you have a suspicion, ask an elder that you are close to.
The guildlines from the branch are that any molestor or accused molestor is followed from congregation to congregation with letters of introduction. Those letters never disapear, and that person CANNOT be used in an appointed position. And likewise, the elders cannot stop that person from preaching, but they will not put that person in a cargroup with children. The elders in each congregation that he attends would be aware and they should keep an eagle eye on him. It would bring legal issues on the congregation if they informed all of the members of that persons standing. WE each have a responsibility to gauge a persons standing by their progress. Does that person comment? Are they active proclaimers? Are they used by the congregation? And if you have a suspicion, ask an elder that you are close to.
Absolutely pathetic. Where do you get this crap from ? Don't inform the congregation that there's a PEDOPHILE in their midst because of concern for "legal issues" ? IF they would have informed the POLICE like they're supposed to then it would become public knowledge anyway. But oh no...they want to keep it on the down low,keep it a secret, it's just sick. How can the elders possbily keep an eye on the person 24/7 ?
Elders aren't always present at meetings for FIELD SERVICE so how can they PREVENT him from being put in a car group with children ? Or go to a household where there are children ? Or "get togethers" where no one is around to "watch him" ? The fact is, they allow PREDATORS complete freedom in the congregation and MANY of them ARE allowed to retain privileges whether you know it or not.I was an ELDER for six years , so I think I know just a little about what REALLY goes on behind the scenes.You're either quite ignorant of the facts or disingenuous.Both are dangerous.
Calebs Airplane
I'm assuming this CO was realeased from prison about a year ago... anyone have an update on his possible whereabouts???