``The Truth,'' No; ``The Opinion," Maybe

by Room 215 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,

    I don't know about the rest of you, but there's something that grates on me like new chalk on a blackboard.

    I refer to that expression JWs use to describe that threadbare tapestry of conjecture, fill-in-the-blanks theological approach to doctrines the Bible leaves hazy and judgmental moralism that comprises the WT belief system-- you know, ``The Truth," as in ``he/she left The Truth,'' or ``How long have you been in The Truth?''

    May I suggest that it be amended to ``The Opinion?''

  • ballistic

    I still use the word "truth" as it is familiar to us all. It doesn't mean I believe it is the truth. I noticed a couple of posters use the term "trooth" to differenciate. I think the real test of "truth" is that it should never change and it is clear in the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses that it does change, even the "truth" book is out of date.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I agree. Perhaps with the advent of WTBS mainstreaming, the future will find most rank and file JW's referring to themsleves as either in or out of the WT. It would be more accurate.

  • cornish

    I think the continual expression of the term 'The Truth,'as almost used like a chant,and form of collective self reasurance,so that sub consciously it is just taken for granted that it must be the truth,because its how everyone references it all the time,other control groups continualy use the same catch phrase as a form of group reinforcement.Facts stand as facts on the merit of the truthfulness of info presented and,not on how many times you say a certain catchphrase,it could almost be said that it is a form of self hypnosis that JW's and many other groups employ,when real facts are presented that contradict this ,assumed 'Truth' you usually get that glazed expression back,the info doesent often even get a look in because so deep rooted and hypnotic is the assumption,'This is the truth',This is the truth'constantly repetitively reinforced like a chant,all else is automatically false.
    It is purely a confidence trick and literal truth need have no relevance as only one viewed a fool or madman would be seen as questioning this self assumption among the group.

  • ballistic

    cornish, I don't bump into you very often but in one post you mentioned Bodmin. I just wanted you to know I used to go to their hall 20 years ago or so when it was held in a shop in the town.

  • indireneed

    You know, I've been trying to read the Bible and understand the whole picture. I've read pieces before, but never the whole thing cover to cover. My wife's new found fascination with being one of the few, the proud, the JWs has caused me to try and understand things better.

    What I've found, though, is that many of the JWs buzzwords were used by Paul and the boys themselves. Paul incessantly talks about the gospel as the truth. Yet, somehow, he never really gets around to explaining exactly what the truth is. He argues different points, but he never just divulges all those damn sacred secrets (or mysteries - oops, bad word). Is it what Jesus said? - no, not really. At least as far as the gospels ago - they didn't exist and are a bit contradictory.

    So, I guess the truth was whatever Paul happened to believe. The truth certainly was different for different people - Paul seems to focus on all those other truth-sayers out there who contradicted him, including certain would-be apostles (intake of breath).

    Hmm . . . how can the truth be the truth if there is more than one?

    You know, sometimes I really think that religion is a racket and a snare . . . And, dammit, those JWs are becoming more and more religion-like every passing Watchtower.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your replies. Of course, there's the truth in a generic sense, and ``The Truth'' in its specific Biblical application (which in Scripture Jesus said he is).
    I'm told that JWs are hardly the only ones that apply the phrase to their belief system; numerous small splinter-group religions do so, I understand.

  • wannahelp

    How about

    The collective or the borg?

    I think it fits better!!!!!

  • josephus


    ive been calling it the opinion now for years, even when i was "in"

    ask anybody, thats my copywritten phrase.



  • cornish

    Hey! Guess what,I also went to that hall quite often at that time especially with my gran,Sylvia Clarke,can I mention a few names,Derek Lake,Carole Lake,Barry Race,Mark Race.Beverley Race.Diane West ,Mike Sharp.

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