``The Truth,'' No; ``The Opinion," Maybe

by Room 215 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang

    Well, JW's don't believe in prayer wheels or rosaries.
    (I'll bet they have something bad to say about 'dial a prayer',
    for that matter.)

    But they should have their own personal rosary beads. That way
    they can touch the next bead when they feel the need to say 'the
    trooth' or whatever.


  • Simon

    Coloring the language by calling their beliefs "The Truth" is one of the identifiers of a mind control cult.

  • ItsJustMe

    My non-witness brother-in-law was deeply offended when he heard my family using the phrases The Truth and Worldly people. This made him feel very strongly like we viewed him as an unwelcome outsider.

    I was shocked at how none of us had ever considered this before.

  • ballistic

    Hey cornish, the Race family and Barry rings a bell. I was a child at the time, but I remember their names. I think we went on a walk with them once or twice to boscastle and once along the old railway line. Were they the family that went pioneering abroad or is that another bodmin family?

  • 4horsemen

    The problem with "The Truth" is that it changes. Today's "truth" could very well replace yesterdays.

    Which is why I prefer "the Truth"(tm)

    It is somewhat arrogant to think you posses THE truth, especially when you dont have the first clue about the history of your religion's origins.

    Pilate, "What is Truth?"
    Jesus "..."

  • cornish

    It was the sharp family who went abroad,they moved to New Guenea,the Race family also moved away to kent but Mark,went to London bethel.Mark had ginger curly hair and played all this shadows stuff with some other wits in a group,remember,and I can remember a couple of wit concerts,where one guy was dressed as a clown,diane west sang leaving on a jet plane,remember Carole Lake,she was a very big lady and quite vocal,also there was Vic and nancy jacobs who went to pioneer in Zaire.

  • Eyebrow

    The opinion....that has a nice ring to it

  • ballistic

    Vic and nancy were like household names at home. Yes I knew them and i think my mother still does. Really weird all this. My nan used to live in Bawden road I think it was, near the railway line. We used to go camping all over that area from polzeath to weighbridge.

  • Pathofthorns

    I agree that "the opinion" has a nice ring to it.

    Heaven forbid it carries the same weight as a WT "suggestion", or "mature christians would.... ", "some brothers..." LOL

    Damn mind control. No matter what they call it, it is all the same.


  • expatbrit


    Are you a "thinking person"?


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