I wonder how the student would feel knowing that their personal info was being given to the society.
no more bible study slip reports. WHY?
by wannaexit 24 Replies latest jw friends
I think it is tacit approval from headquaters to fudge the numbers by the rank and file. That way it is the same as in Brooklyn, where they fudge numbers all the time.
The bible study slips were a waste of time and paper. Some new GB must have been a Secretary at one point and knew that no one reads them. The pioneers diligently fill them out thinking that they are part of an important record keeping process. Then they are dumped in the round file most of the time.l
In the UK we have whats called 'The Data Protection Act'. Within that act all information held by an organisation about an individual, has to be divulged to that individual if he/she requests it. My guess is in this country that has the society running scared. Imagine the study seeing all those reports and whats been said about them.
This is only an assumption, but i think i don't think im too far off the mark.
Didgeridoo - You're right! It was stopped because of the data protection act, but it was a while ago in the UK.
Doubting Bro
Most of the servant body didn't turn them in for their family studies either.
Those were the only ones the CO really reviewed. I had one CO who would compare the publisher record card with the study reports and question me about any differences. I would point him straight to the publisher in question, he was extemely anal. But, many of the COs would have a list of the servant body and would check to see if they were reporting any family studies (if they had unbaptized kids).
If this happened I never knew. But I know many in my congo never turned them in. It was hard enoiugh getting the regular report in on time. The BS reports were supposed to go from the secretary back to the CBSO. He would then be able to help his group by going with them on their Bible Studies. To my knowledge it never happened in my hall.
Awakened at Gilead
There is good reason they are called BS reports
yes it is just an idea to keep the numbers up.....pubs can lie much easier....they dont have to take the time to fill out the crap and just write 3 in the box.........oompa
I predict studes will go WAY up........