Given the chance, IF we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the Gospel of Jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into Christianity?
A Question For Christians..what would you do if........
by chrisjoel 13 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Nope, Jesus came here to die for us. If his species goofed it up and lost their chance at life, then let another messiah go die for them on their planet.
real one
what kind of question is that?
No. This "alien" would probably already belong to Scientology anyway:-)
Depends. If it was a human-like alien that looks like us then I would discuss religion. If it was something like a "Grey" alien or something bug-like ... well, hell no!
A better question would be ... if a human-like alien came to invite you to join their crew to visit other worlds and galaxies - would you do it?
The issue is really Christian Salvation. Christians and the wide umbrella of belief in Christ that is known as "christianity" is heralded on our planet of being the only truth by which a human can be "saved", ie: through Christ as part of an organized religion or faith in Christ through an understanding of him. Since God created all creation and all creation is subject to HIM then Christians must hold that an alien intelligence(similar to ourselves) would be subject to original sin one way or another. There are many places in the Bible that say how all creation in heaven and on earth is subject to God....
Does that make sense? Can you imagine an "alien" who looks similar to us ie: humanoid looking, coming on our planet and somehow involving itself in the issue of original sin? I cant imagine that. And it makes sense to me to believe that there are civilizations out there among planets too distant from us to communicate with. Would they have their own version of evil or non sense theology ..probably so......we do! BTW (imagine IF the Bible actually said that other planets in the universes, or other intelligences existed apart from our own, and are subject to Christ as foolhardy would that make the Bible seem! It would read like a book of science fiction....) ....hummm
Christians must hold that an alien intelligence(similar to ourselves) would be subject to original sin one way or another. ... Does that make sense?
No, it most certainly does not. The "original sin" that we know from our Bible was committed by the first human being, Adam. It affects "all mankind," that is, all the descendents of Adam. An alien from another planet, although part of God's creation, would not be descended from Adam in any way, therefore his act of original sin would have no effect on the alien race.
gently feral
I think someone started happy hour very early today. You need to go sleep it off.
No, it most certainly does not. The "original sin" that we know from our Bible was committed by the first human being, Adam. It affects "all mankind," that is, all the descendents of Adam. An alien from another planet, although part of God's creation, would not be descended from Adam in any way, therefore his act of original sin would have no effect on the alien race.
Your comment is exactly what i would expect a person of the Christian persuasion to say. But who speaks for Christians in todays Society..the Pope, Evangelical leaders....ect...ect...In fact the Bible is plain old theology. Isnt it? A lot of theology that NO Doubt would try to be someway forced upon the visiting alien species. How? Some one would no doubt say that they need to be saved as well!!! Paul in Colossians 1 and Ephesians 1 make it clear that the resurrection of Christ applies to all creation (".everything in the heavens and everything on earth"). It is the definitive salvation event for the cosmos. Another bit of Biblical evidence is the opening of John's Gospel, who tells us that The Word was present from the beginning; it is part and parcel of the universe.The "Word" might be "spoken" to the rest of the intelligent universe and this event would mark new territory. Laugable, yes. But still, a very very real possibility for Christainity when and IF that day ever came to face our planet. -
The very nature of your question shows the JW mindset. Why would you assume such a superior position that the alien needs you to teach it something? I find one of the biggest problems with JWs is that they have mouths and no ears. Perhaps the wisest move upon any such encounter would be to see if the alien has something of importance to tell you. Determine if it might be a intellectual life form before you adopt that Jw smug know-it-all I'm-special attitude. One of my pet peeves with Jws was always that they wanted to tell you what they wanted you to know instead of listening to see what questions or true concerns others might have. Even though door-to door opens with a question, it often turns quickly to a one-way conversation. I always saw ineffective communication skills with most Jws. They are like robots. Even today that's why you cannot carry on a progressive conversation with most of them. It's as though they are only programmed to respond with certain set answers. It's rather like questioning an 8 ball. Any JW on this earth is going to give you one of the same 15 memorized answers. (whether it makes any sense or not. Usually NOT.)