Maybe you should ask if once in and experiencing the "world" do born JW's get tempted into thinking of going back like myself.
I've felt the urge to "go look" again. And in the past 10 years anytime I wasn't happy, I'd "wonder" whether I would have been happier in the borg.
I think you'll never "actually" go back. I mean you might go to meetings, you'll play the game, you can't actually forget that you know the Ex-JW story and will actually resist anything crazy and pop back out again. This would be where we all chime in and plead NOO DON"T GO BACK!!! but I don't think we should or need to. Do whatever you want, its your life. Just please remember that, "Do what you want" and don't let them consume you. The non-JW does not demand allegiance or conformity, ours is an unconditional love.
When I "went to look" again, it shocked the hell out of me, the walls dripped with madness, the people creeped me out, and old friends were unrecognizable in mental distortion. So, I'm really quite confident I couldn't make myself go back, even if I was determined to do so. It just plain scares the pants off of me, now, used to "bug me" now drives me nuts.
Best of Luck, but reassimiliation with the Borg doesn't mean you'll leave us, does it?