Real One. Can you love someone, and then command them to love you on pain of death? When you command someone to do something that you want, you take away their freedom of choice and freewill.
Real One, I command you to stop posting here. Do you feel and see your reaction to that command.
The ten commandments, the greatest commandment, must be obeyed or suffer pain of punishment and or death. If I obey out of fear, where is the freewill and love. And if I use my freewill to do otherwise, I must pay the price of rejection from the one who commands me.
Where is the love? That's why I question these words written in a book that is suspect as to them actually being the words of a god.
A god does not to need to command you or make you do anything that you don't want to do. That is why he gave you freewill to chose.
Man on the other hand likes to command people to do such and such. Those words were written by men, not a god. Hence no need to obey them.