Oh yeah- and if you think Brad Pitt wearing a fur coat makes for the ultimate guy flick- that's just disturbing.
a couple of movies I don't get
by Hortensia 59 Replies latest jw friends
i don't care what people say, but all star wars movies are great. gotta fast forward some of the jar jar binks stuff.
they have: love/passion.... action..... story.... loveable characters...... (feel sorry for the ranchor monster too!)
I had to watch Pulp Fiction a second time before I got it. Fight Club was good, that was back when I still liked Brad Pitt.
Premonition with Sandra Bullock was confusing. Her husband was dead, then alive and it was hard to tell when she was dreaming or whatever! The end didn't make sense, maybe I should try to watch it while sober?
Yeah Gregor
No country for Old Men had a strong finish. How I saw it, the world has moved on. The crimes being committed today defy logic. Beyond honour or dishonour. Something his father never would have undertood (remember him wondering what his father would have done in today's world at the beginning of the movie).
Also the hitman was so detached but then seemed to have a strange logic, or inevitability that I could only see him as a symbol of our ultimate destiny, death.
In the end, the cop retires rather than confront the killer. He's worn out.
When he talks of the dream about his father, he says he is waiting at the camp fire for him.
After death?
Pulp Fiction is possibly the greatest movie of all time. I've seen it so many times, it hurts!
When I saw the previews of The Village, I thought it was going to be great. My wife and I went to see it. We were so pissed off by that waste of film that we now refuse to watch any more M. Knight Shamalamadingdong's movies. Every one of his movies suck. Signs sucked. The Village sucked. I don't know who keeps paying that dork to make more movies.
I don't get summer movies for the most part. You basically have two choices for summer movies now... You can watch the latest, greatest movie based on a cartoon that's based on a comic book character. These movies are great if you're 5 years old. The problem with these movies is that most of the kids out there have never even read a comic book, so the movies are really for 35 year old guys who still live at home in their parent's basement collecting comic books and fashioning their own super hero costumes out of scraps of old underwear and their mom's torn pantyhose. Why does anybody watch these? Just ask: They have great special effects! Great! Why don't they just show 2 hours of train wrecks or something?
The other choice is the latest action flick made by some ex-football player or pro-wrestler. It's always the same: 2 hours of shit blowing up; maybe a titty or two thrown in for good measure.... but no story line. And, let's not forget.... That movie had GREAT special effects!
There's a third choice that's seemed to develop in the last 5 or so years. It's the Midieval Fantasy Film... You know the one.... If you're into creepy guys who collect swords and play dungeons and dragons, these are the flicks for you! If they don't stop with the Narnia movies and Harry Peter and the Sorcerer's Bone crap, I'm gonna puke! Jeeesus! Wizards and Warlocks and crap... Again, I'm sure there is a whole subset of the American populace that just loves these movies. I'm sure these people also live in basements, except they spend most of their time on Ebay collecting Harry Potter's underwear or the Narnia kid's tooth brush.
What we need is another Clint Eastwood or John Wayne! Manly Movies! Dirty Harry! Charles Bronson! Death Wish! We need more movies like The Godfather and Good Fellas. Stop the Wussification of America! How about some more Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci?? Anyway, I'm rambling again. Back to work....
M. Knight Shamalamadingdong's
Too funny!
Fight club was SUPERB! I love fight club. By the way, who else noticed the hidden (subliminal) images in fight club? They flick on screen for a split second and you have to pause your DVD to see they're quick flashes of penises! ROFL!
The matrix films...well the first matrix was my favorite film for a long time. I just loved all the religious references and "saviour" stuff - lots to think about and the first time I saw it WOW I was blown away! I enjoy all the zen stuff in the matrix films and its a good combination of that and action.
LOTR I love because I always loved the story since I read it when I was a kid.
Children of men was great too.
The village - admittedly not great but the idea was OK. Lots of references to cult living... the idea that the elders were trying to protect them but they'd really taken away their freedom and knowledge.
Now HOSTEL that was disturbing in a really fun way and I really liked that film. It made you think because it was based on actual events... urgh!
I'm a film addict pretty much.
Other unbelievably superb films are The shawshank redemption and American History X.
Now SHREK....very funny but I still don't get it LOL I mean...talking donkeys?
The 2nd two Matrix movies were confusing.
Syriana was complex and confusing.
Superbad was pretty straight forward. -
The Village and People from the Water or whatever else that shyalm.....whomever directed - there was a lot of potential for both to be better movies but ja they fell very short.
Whatever you do don't watch a movie called SILK - the MOST boring of boring stories about silkworm eggs. Too too long. Yet the music in the movie was very moving.
Hostel was awesome!!
Bug (or Bugged??) was stupid.
I love all the Saw movies, too. Yay! Blood and gore!!!