Be honest. Would having more money make you happier?

by nicolaou 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Money won't cure illness or solve personalilty issues...but it will solve monetary issues like debt, making ends meet, etc.

    And if you have enough money to take away the worry of making ends meet, meeting your bills, keeping you car running, then your stress level is bound to be less, making it easier to relax and enjoy life a little. It would cut tensions between married partners that are stressing because of finances.

    But, even the money alone won't solve anything. One would have to be self-discliplined to spend it wisely and not go off on some fools errand, wasting it all.

    I'ld like to volunteer for a study on the impact of sudden riches on the financially struggling if anyone is interested in funding such a study.

  • Robert7

    When you compare between being 'poor' and 'well off', then absolutely you will be happier. This is because you don't have to worry about making ends meet, and you can enjoy life.

    There is a point of diminishing returns, where being 'very wealthy' adds little extra happiness. Then it becomes more about which Mercedes or BMW you buy, etc, etc... and you worry more and more about upkeep and losing possessions.

  • BizzyBee

    Studies have shown that, all other things being equal, people who are financially comfortable are actually happier. But you knew that.

  • lonelysheep


    It's simple--being in debt makes me unhappy.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Worrying about money is one cause of unhappiness, so yes I would be happier if I had more.

  • GentlyFeral

    Yes and no. I mean, I already have everything money can't buy. A steady, ample income would free me from material worry and make it easier to remember how happy I am.


  • easyreader1970

    Having less debt would make me WAY more happier than having more money.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Be honest. Would having more money make you happier?

    Yep. Having money makes everyone happy and solves every problem possible. No one who has money is ever sad, troubled or suffers angst.

    To quote Dr. Evil: Riiiiiiiiiiight.

  • yknot


    The key to cash though is balance!

    Enough to be comfortable but not enough to make you forget it's value.

  • Bring_the_Light

    I'm not rich, but I'm single and theoretically could support a wife and 4 kids on what I earn. I actually feel a little guilty about it. Plus I'm making close to 100 grand in a stock deal that closes later this year. I don't feel like I deserve that either.

    Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys options and freedom. The real "worth" of money is feeling like you deserve it. A well earned paycheck "feels" good. I know a lot of independantly wealthy people on Prozac, they're happy, I guess.

    The moral of this story is to keep your mind open about such things. Money is a tool. Living your life well creates happiness. The two are not fungible goods.

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