Possibly 10,000 people killed in Myanmar cyclone.
Another event to cheer up JWs
by Gregor 22 Replies latest social current
Nonono, it goes like this:
"What does a JW call 10,000 non-believers dead in Myanmar by an act of God?"
A: "A good start."
Open mind
I sure hope no Kingdom Halls were damaged.
Just read about it, didn't realise it had happened. Reuters are now putting it at 13,000
Wordly Andre
Armageddon is just around the corner, this old system is at an end and Jeho............well you know the rest of the bullshit
the end is coming ....the end is coming
they do not have strong structures to live in, so they are wiped out!
I think it's sad that jw's see every disaster as reenforcement of their hopes.
think it's sad that jw's see every disaster as reenforcement of their hopes.
Not only that, but a few I know are almost giddy........proves to them the big "A" is right around the corner!!
since when did a cyclone have anything to do with the end coming? wars, reports of wars, earthquakes, pestilences, food shortages - cyclones???