Another event to cheer up JWs

by Gregor 22 Replies latest social current

  • wings

    A couple of days ago I turned on the news and in five minutes saw enough famine, earthquakes, pestilence and wars to know it was going to be an exciting day for the JW's.

    wings (that's twisted)

  • BizzyBee
    wars, reports of wars, earthquakes, pestilences, food shortages - cyclones???

    Close enough when you're clutching at straws.

  • mkr32208

    I'm SOOOOOOOOOOo glad I don't have to sit there in six months and listen to how amazingly no kingdom halls were even touched...

  • greendawn

    By now most people have realised that the dubs are a destructive cult and will not join them, so what's their problem? Why should anyone refusing to join them and follow the ridiculous demands of a bunch of deluded old men be worthy of death? This ludicrous arrogant belief is so central to their impatient unloving mindset.

  • brinjen
    Not only that, but a few I know are almost giddy........proves to them the big "A" is right around the corner!!

    Yep, got nothing to do with the monsoon activity drifting over their way across very warm water. Cyclone in the wet season, who'd have thought?

  • WTWizard

    For sure, those cockroaches will be in there soon to rebuild any Kingdumb Hells to get the cancer going again. Then they are going to go in field circus to cause another disaster for anyone that falls prey to their scams.

  • nelly136

    may we have a thought for our brothers and sisters in cyclone struck times......all contributions for the WW fund gratefully accepted so contributions can go where theyre truly needed.............KERRRRRRRR$$$£££...CHING

  • LovesDubs

    Oh I said in an earlier post, the JWs came to my door last week after the whole announcement about combining the book study with Sundays...and how gas prices are so high and a burden to the friends blah blah....and their OPENING STATEMENT was that "we" are using up the earths resources! We??? Like you idiots who are spending BILLIONS of hours in USELESS field service every year you mean or all of us NON JWS who actually have JOBS?

    Pissed me off royal. Like they give a flying F--- about the earths resources. I recall being told that we really didnt need to recycle becuase Jehovah was going to destroy the wicked soon and restore the earth to paradise so why bother? Also to be recycling was showing we didnt have faith that the end was near.

  • Alpaca

    Hi All,


    Also to be recycling was showing we didnt have faith that the end was near.

    That's a new view on me. Was that the company line or just some loose cannon spouting off? Granted, I have been out for almost 11 years and haven't read any of the literature or stepped foot into a KH, but the official view was always that respecting the earth and the resources was the proper thing to do.

    Just curious.



  • LovesDubs

    That was in the mid 80s when I was first coming in. They would laugh about they would laugh about taking over peoples homes when armageddon came. Everything was a joke becauase of their superiority to everyone else.

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