You wouldn't know it from hearing him talk, he made creaming someone with a .50 cal sound better than sex.
Your friend sounds like a delightful human being.
by nvrgnbk 27 Replies latest jw friends
You wouldn't know it from hearing him talk, he made creaming someone with a .50 cal sound better than sex.
Your friend sounds like a delightful human being.
Obviously the way to remedy this situation is to intensify the fighting so that more soldiers get killed.
Could anything be more sad or sick? This never ending war has divided our nation, sent us into ever growing debt and taken thousands of precious lives. The current war has produced more amputees than any other, possibly more than all previous combined. The fact that these folks who have sacrificed everything by putting their lives on the line don't get the benefits they were promised and have rightfully earned is indescribably disgusting. I pray for our military and civilians in the war zones every day: that God will keep them mentally and physically strong and healthy, faithful, moral and accountable, and that He brings them home as quickly as possible and with as little loss of life and limb as possible. -Potential.
BTS-- there's no bong being lit around here just a person looking at theories on the web . You don't believe is fine with me but when you find yourself being arrested for no reason and carried off to an internment camp , don't say I didn't warn ya.
Your friend sounds like a delightful human being.
My friend has put his life on the line for his country, he's been shot at in the line of duty, and he's had friends die by his side. He has shared his pain with me more than once.
He is a warrior, and you have no right to criticise the real men who secure your pansy ass.
you have no right to criticise the real men
A gun full of bullets and a license to kill men, women and children doesn't make a real man.
I thought you were smarter than that, Burn.
who secure your pansy ass
How exactly have they secured my "pansy ass"?
By creating more potential terrorists?
Your Bristish now?
You are obviously being deliberately dense.
You are obviously being deliberately dense.
You're letting yourself get caught up in all the patriotic fervor that makes this country look so bad to the rest of the world.
You really are much smarter than that, Burn.
You're letting yourself get caught up in all the patriotic fervor that makes this country look so bad to the rest of the world.
It has nothing to do with "patriotic fervor".
Your reasoning is damaged.
BTW burn your friend sounds very imaginary in one way or another.
I have been around soldiers who have killed in combat. They don't like to talk about it. Much less brag about it. The only type of soldier that comes close to bragging about kills are fighter and bomber pilot types and that is only do to the impersonal nature of their style of killing. They never see the guys brains and guts blown, out only an explosion. Even then they have a limit.
War is never something to brag about. Which is why the US is losing so much respect in the world. The US brags about war fighting all the time and how good the US is at it. The Nazi's did it to and were did it get them.