I'm just thankful all the time. I speak to the universe...I call God my "buddy" aor "grand creator" and so forth. Don't actually pray anymore but wondered what others do.
Do you still say...in the name of Jesus Christ...
by tan 10 Replies latest jw friends
I still do. I've seen other Christians do the same...
In the name of Jesus? Why not pray to Jesus? Or Satan?
I do call up the experience of the ground of consciousness in meditation...but don't feel a need for a mediator like Jesus.
Apparently the GF should now be praying in the name of the FDS...
I completely understand those who become agnostic or atheist after leaving the WTS.
However I am happy to be a Christian since it was WTS biblical dereliction that stumbled me.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
When I pray I do. But during times I get frustrated or angry I say it to. I say, "OH for Chrissake!!" Or "Jesus H. Christ!" or when I am watching my mouth I will say, "JUDAS H. On Horseback!!"
"Heavenly Father" works for me.
I really struggled with prayer, It felt so artificial even when I was a true believer.
Don't actually pray anymore but wondered what others do.
Neither do I.
I want to, I would love to have some sort of connection to a higher power. I find myself talking to something, "what, I have no idea", under times of stress, or when admiring the beauty of the earth. But as for actual prayer, no I don't.
Just lost at the moment.
pep,i too, struggle w/prayer.feels very fake and contrived to me....