Our CO gave a talk to kids. Stay OUT of school!
by easyreader1970 56 Replies latest jw friends
Awakened at Gilead
Doubting Dro: Ours went into some detail about that crazy Timothy drama where Timothy decided not to go to the "University of Athens" in favor of being a "pioneer".
Yeah, wasn't that anachronistic drama a load of crappy JW propaganda?
I'm glad I'll have graduated from college before the next CO visit and I won't be going to his stupid talk anyway.
White Dove: Way to go... no more welfare, you'll be self-sufficient before you know it.
They tell their young-uns not to seek out higher education...But, When they convert someone who is a doctor or lawyer they make sure to point out the persons occupation.
YES!!!! THAT IS HILARIOUS!!! I always used to notice this myself.......
Also, they are not averse to hiring highly educated lawyers to fight their pedophile battles for them, so when they need someone with and education they generally cannot look to their own members......
That CO doesn't want JW's to have to think after they leave their job for the day. Which goes along with what they want them to do at the meetings....Not Think!!!
The nice thing about this rant is that usually, foreign-born dubs don't care at all! They're the ones who value education the most.
I wonder if this CO knows the whereabouts and occupation of Judah Ben Schroeder or that of "Brother" Schroeder's wife.
Awakened at Gilead
I wonder if this CO knows the whereabouts and occupation of Judah Ben Schroeder or that of "Brother" Schroeder's wife.
What's the scoop on this???
Bring the light, you really think higher education is just for trying to get wealthy? It may be for you, but some of us actually want to LEARN something. If you want to make money there are much better ways of doing so than going to college.
Higher education is viewed by virtually everyone as a way to improve your lot in life, in addition to many other benefits. Not sure why you'd key in and call this controversial. I have a Chemical Engineering degree, if I didn't need to worry about money, I'd major in everything. College had to be an "investment" in pursuit of some kind of pay off. If you think anybody presents their degree to the office of certifying wealthy people in exchange for earning their degree, you're a fool. Improve yourself so you will be capable of more. There is no education/wealth guarantee. There are PhD's on the street. Bring_the_Light
AWAKENED in GILEAD- I do believe Schroeder's son went to a university with his governing body dad's blessing ! I don't know the details , but I've seen it here before. Any day now- at the next C.O's visit- expect them to announce that " Manna is now falling from heaven brothers " , thus no need for further education. New light. New light. Weirdos
Where is Judah Ben Schroeder these days?